Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Kyle's 10 Year Check

Kyle went to the Dr. too yesterday. He had a "well" exame, and received a Flu Shot. Well, actuall, he got the "nasal mist". It's nice they gave him the option, so many people hate shots. It's always helpful when you can avoid one. He was a trooper. He sniffed it up his nose like nasal spray. He also had an eye exam, hearing test and a scoliosis test. Now, here are Kyle's measurments. I don't know about you guys, but I was floored to know just how much Kyle has grown.
Weight-80 lbs. 5 oz.
Eye Sight-20/20
Height-4ft. 7 in.-WOW! I can see that Kyle is almost as tall as me, but to hear it in numbers!!!
"Kyle's Asthma is very well under control. He's a smart, happy, healthy, well developed young man."
Not a "young man"...that's my son, my baby. I can't beleive how much he has grown. I can't believe how much he has grown within the last year. Time flies people. Make sure you take advantage of every moment. In 6 more years Kyle will be able to DRIVE!!! (stay off the road) I just think about how fast these 10 years have gone by, and I wonder just how fast the next 10 years will go. He'll be in college, or moved out, or both. I miss him already.

Melanie's 12 Month Check

Weight-19 lbs. 2 oz.
Height-29 in.
Head Circ.-17 7/8 in.
Well, Melanie is officailly NOT my "baby" anymore. She's growing well and has made it to toddlerhood. What a smart, pretty, fun, little girl she is.

Saturday, September 27, 2008

Happy 1st. Birthday Melanie!

It's all about you girl, on your very first BIRTHDAY!
WOW, Melanie is 1 year old...AMAZING how time flies! I'm so happy that she has had a GRAND year. I've been able to stay at home with her and Kyle, & I haven't missed a thing. How blessed am I?
Melanie's Birthday was awesome. We weren't going to do anything big, jsut have Lori, Chad and Kate come over. But, then I ran with my friend Ellen today, and was going to ask her to swing by, but found out she was going camping. But we got to see her yesterday. They bought Melanie the CUTIEST purple dress! I'm going to put it on Melanie tomorrow and take some FABULOUS pictures. Thank you Ellen, Braegan, Claire, and Nati. I really appreciate your friendship.
We also ran into my neighbor Rebekah-we were sharing pictures...and invited her family to swing by. They did! Thank you guys so much for the Leap Frog Fridge Farm, Melanie loves the music! Thank you for coming over and sharing in Melanie's special day.
Thank you very much to Lori, Kate and Chad for spending the day with us. I will definitly use the diapers, and I LOVE the snack trap with the crackers!
Thank you to my Mom and Tim-I MISS YOU & I LOVE YOU! I wish you could have been here. Melanie LOVES the "Touch and Feel" book, and I'm sure will enjoy the car and Popper. She does love to push everything!
Thank you to Sylvia and Paul for Melanie's wagon-WE LOVE IT! And I can't wait to make Melanie's hand and foot prints. We love & miss you guys and wish you could have been here.
Thank you to Lisa, Wes, Logan, and Sayde for Melanie's COOL Playskool toy-she can't take her eyes off it.
I hope everyone enjoys these pictures. We had a very great day!

Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Black & White

I just found out my camera can take black & white photos. Who knew? So here's me practicing!

Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Big Girl Melanie Wants to Play With the Big Boys

Melanie just lOVES to play outside. I love it! There is so much for her to explore, see, smell, taste, touch, and she NEVER gets bored out side. But, I think her most favorite thing about outside is watching her big brother play and trying to jump in & follow in their steps. I beleive in the years to come we will have to keep Melanie away from Kyle's freinds and teach Kyle to NOT let his freinds fall for "Smart, Pretty Melanie".

Kyle Learns How To Use a Bike/Skate Ramp

Kate Feeds Melanie

After Kate warmed up to me and Melanie, she thought it would be fun to feed the "baby." Very cute stuff people, very cute!

Babysitting Kate

I baby sat Kate again for Lori and Chad. If you remember my experience the last time, it was about the same this time around. Except this time Kate DID NOT want me to pick her up out of the crib. And according to Lori, this is typical behavior for Kate. Even with her. Apparently Kate sleeps so sound and so hard that when she wakes Kate just needs her own space, her own "quiet time" to recover. I guess next time I will just give her some books and leave her alone for about 20-30 minutes.
Over all, my visit with Kate was FANTASTIC! We sang songs, danced around, jumped off the couch, spilled food, played with the hose outside and washed Kate's high chair. Hanging out with Kate and Melanie for a day is a BLAST, I'm always on my toes and laughing!

Here are a couple pictures of Kate in her post misery state. One is when I leave her alone, and the other is when I try to talk to her and interact with her.

Here 's what happened when I turned on the TV...she was HAPPY! Hurray for "Yo Gabba Gabba!"