Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Does Melanie Have an Imaginary Friend?

Melanie is addicted to Barney. If we don't regulate she'd probably try to watch it all day. There is just something about all the music and dancing he does that keeps her attention. Well, on a few of the Barney's we have there is a boy named Michael that is extra animated, interactive and fun. He's one of the older kids and is a leader type. Melanie seems to really enjoy him. She's asked "Where's Michael?" a few times when he wasn't on one of the shows. So yesterday, if she wasn't completely engulfed in something else, "Michael" was all she talked about. It actually became quite wearing and annoying. And weird...quite a few times she wouldn't play with me because she was so wrapped up in Michael.
We ate lunch..."I give Michael pizza?"
"No Melanie, Michael isn't hungry.?
"C'mon Melanie, lets make a castle with your blocks!"
"No! Those Michael's blocks."
Off and on all day, those kinds of conversations took place. I hope that when she wakes up she'll have forgotten all about "Michael." If not, I'm taking Barney away! LOL!
Here's a link to info about Michael...I hope it works! http://classicbarney.tripod.com/id29.html

Melanie's 2 Year Well Check

Melanie had her Well Check yesterday. She has jumped to above average for her height, & weight. While staying average on her head circumference. Apparently you can guess-ta-mate how tall she'll be as an adult by doubling her height at 2 years.
Height: 34 in.
Weight: 28 lbs.
So, she'll be approximately 5'8"? Why does everyone have to be taller than me? LOL!
We can tell that her weight has really shot up since her 18 month check. So we all took a guess at how much she would weigh. I said 33 lbs. Duane said 31, & Kyle came the closest at 30. He's really good at guessing weight!
Any-hoo, she's healthy and growing accordingly.

Monday, September 28, 2009

State Fair of Texas 2009

We went to the State Fair of Texas on Friday. Duane took the day off from work so we could have a "family day" without the crowds! We got there at 10AM, walked around, rode the biggest/tallest Farris Wheel in the United States, ate a deep fried honey bun, and played some games. Kyle played a balloon dart game and won the grand prize-$100.00 PILLOW! It was so much fun! We had a great time!

Melanie's TWO!

Happy Birthday to Melanie! We had a such nice day to celebrate Melanie's birhtday. The weather was beautiful! Melanie on the other hand was off & on slightly cranky. We went to The State Fair of Texas the day before, so maybe she was just exausted. Despite that, I think she enjoyed the majority of her day. I know we did. Happy Birthday Melanie, we LOVE you!
Thank you to Paul & Sylvia for Melanie's learning video game. Thank you Mom & Tim for all of Melanie's books, her cute outfit, blocks and stick pony. Thank you Lori & family for the markers, playdough, puzzles craft project and cupcake! Thank you Kyle for making, baking & decorating Melanie's birthday cupcakes! You're a great big brother!

Safety Patrol

Kyle is apart of a small group of 5th. graders at Vega Elem. that have the opportunity to become part of the Safety Patrol. Before school and after a handful of 5th. graders are elected to work with the teachers in getting children to and from their parents car in the carpool, safely. It's a pretty big deal at Vega. It's a very responsible job. Kyle is just absolutely ecstatic that he has the privilege to be a part of it. We are very proud of him and hope he continues the good work. Good job Kyle!

Thursday, September 24, 2009

Happy 2nd. Birthday Melanie! From Aunt Lori, Kate & Lauren

Thank you Lori, Kate, and Lauren for coming over early to celebrate Melanie's 2nd. Birthday. The Fall Craft was fun,and the girl talk was definitly needed! We appreciate the gifts you brought along with the cupcakes.

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

This Is How We Eat Cereal

This is her first time eating cereal & milk together. It looks as though Melanie is learning to like Cow Milk-but not cereal. Goofy kid! I also really like her facial expressions during the video. It's that of pure delight and excitment.

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Melanie, Kate, & Lauren

Old McMelanie Had A Farm...

Be careful watching this video, you may get dizzy!

We Painted Our Toes!

It has been raining nearly non-stop for the last 6 days. BLAGH! Melanie & I took a bubble bath and painted our toes. How relaxing!

Kyle Got a Haircut!

Duane took Kyle in for a haircut...it was time. Look at the improvement! He looks like a completly different kid-and all of his peers LOVE it. Duane & I, we don't count. KYLE LOOKS FANTASTIC!

Like She Just Stepped Out of a Salon...

I love this outfit on Melanie, and she let me put her hair in pig tails! It obviously didn't last very long. I like how her hair looks like it's just flowing.

Thursday, September 10, 2009

Saving 4 the Future!

Kyle seems to be receiving such nice monetary gifts from our family members. And we keep letting him spend it. He has probably wasted a GOOD portion on "things" he that he can't even remember buying. Duane & I have been talking, & decided to open up savings accounts for our kids. It's the best savings account, nobody can take money out anytime soon! They have to wait! We can only put money in! We're trying to get on the straight & narrow to eventually be "debt free." Why not teach our kids this early in life to hopefully do the same? Earlier this Summer, Kyle mowed a lawn that was abandoned. Our HOA was quite impressed with him, and decided to pay him-which he was unaware of. They came to our home to explain to us that he could no longer mow for "accidental" reasons. However they paid him for his time-$70. He's mowed other lawns here & there, and received money in the mail for just being a cute kid. Instead of letting him spend ALL of his money, we'll be letting him spend a portion & save the rest. His saving goal is a car when he turns 16/17 years old. As well as some money towards college. Melanie has a savings account too. Her goal is also a car & college. I wish we would have started earlier with Kyle-but it's never too late to start saving.

Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Melanie's Hair

Lori's always mentioning that she wants to braid Melanie's hair. Well I braided it & look how long her hair is...

Kyle & Melanie

We Are Painting

Melanie has a book that she loves to read called "We Are Painting!" She's always pretending to paint. When I realized we had paint here I let her paint our landscaping rocks. She really enjoyed it.