Thursday, January 24, 2013

Just a Little Bit of what I think is WISDOM...

This excerpt is from a homeschooling blog post I REALLY like, Trivium Pursuit.
"Upside Down Culture
Our culture is turned upside down. We are taught to believe that everything rests on the government, or on the economy, or on the church. We become dependent upon those things which are, in fact, dependent upon us. Those who will not rule themselves will be ruled by others, and treated like children. Once we break the pattern of being conformed to the external structure which this world imposes upon us, then the internal structure and self-discipline, which have been built into us through the operation of the Spirit of Christ, will begin to work out of us to transform the things around us. When we restore the Biblical jurisdiction and order to the family, we will find parents behaving much more responsibly – like mature adults should. Then order should grow outward from the family into all of society. We will then be able to restore Christian order and the rule of law."

Tuesday, January 22, 2013

What is WITH this Cat?

Apparetnly bathing isn the sunlight is very exciting. Smokey got a little fisky & attacked the T.V.! Even Brownie even got a little hyper happy! These animal are so cute. LOL! I kept waiting for Smokey to fall off the T.V. stand.

Happy Birthday Duane!

Happy Birthdsay Daune, our dearest! We LOVE you SUPER much and appreciate all the sweet things you do for us. YOU ARE AWESOME!

Flat Stanley Love

Frisco Carousel

We just LOVE this carousel. Too bad it's a little far to make a weekly trip out of it. But we did meet Ezra & her family there. That was fun!

Sunday, January 13, 2013


Our cat Smokey is definitely a one of a kind cat.  Who at times can be quite annoying!  He bothers Duane the most with his meowing, and what Duane calls, his "what not antics or shenanigans."  But I think this cat is neat!  What cat do you know that can play fetch better than you're own dog?  I found out this trick 5 or 6 years ago when I accidentally tossed a pony tail hair band across the floor & my cat went after it & brought it back.  I was SHOCKED!  Then I did it again, purposefully.  And he brought it back AGAIN.  Kyle especially thought this was SO COOL!  Now he'll bring back not just a hair bow but one of his play mice too.  It's AWESOME!  This cat came from the SPCA about 6 years ago.  When he chose me he was about 8 months of age.  He has been a loyal, loving, sweet, obnoxious cat ever since.  He also has this thing, if he's feelin' frisky, when you walk by him he tries to attack you.  He trots up against your leg and grabs on with his claws & tries to bite you.  If you have ever seen a lion, cheetah or a jaguar attack a gazelle in the wild from Animal Planet, that is what he reminds me of.  LOL!  He's going back to his Native Cat roots & trying to take me down like an antelope!  One day I'll get that on video too.  He's such a sweet little Snookie Nookie Cookie Bear. What a Smokey Bear,  (I think Duane secretly loves him too!)

Flat Stanley

Have you ever heard of FLAT STANLEY? The first time I heard about him was when Kyle was in elementary school about 2nd. or third grade. He learned about Flat Stanly and gave him a few adventures by sending him in the mail to CA where Grandma & Papa took care of him. He went with Papa to Lake Arrowhead in the snow, lounged in a floaty in grandma & Papa's Southern CA salt water pool. Papa even made him his own Balsa Wood hat. I never really understood what or who Flat Stanley was. Either Kyle couldn't quite explain him to me or I just didn't get it. And at the time it never occured to me to google him.  Then at the beginning of this 2012/13 school year my niece learned about Flat Stanley in Kindergarten. And I still didn't understand why these children were "learning" about a fictional character named Flat Stanly...& why is he named Flat Stanly? Then one day a couple of weeks ago I went to the library, like I always do & I decided to browse in the chapter book aisle. Melanie was on the computer, our library bag was full, I was just browsing. Then, I found it...I found FLAT STANLEY. I found many chapter books on Flat Stanly & I began to read their descriptions. And I said aloud, "Oh! THAT'S why they call him FLAT Stanly! Oh, so THIS is what/who Stanley is!" I was so excited! I NEVER knew Flat Stanly is a book. I should have known, usually everything starts out as a book. Shortly after my revelation Melanie found me & I showed her the chapter books & asked her if she wanted to read & learn about Flat Stanley as well.  And she said "Sure!" I think she was excited too. It's neat when you get to learn about the same things as your older brother & older cousin. So for those people in the world that don't know what Flat Stanly is here's a quick description. Stanly Lambchop is a young boy-maybe third grade, who went to bed one night & woke up to find his family all freaked out because his bulletin board fell on him in the middle of the night and made him flat. He loves to hang out with his brother, use their imaginations & play. Then for what ever reason he'll get to go on an adventure some where. He usually always travels by mail-after all he's flat & it's cheaper than paying for him to fly in an airplane. We have read 5 FLAT STANLEY Chapter books: An Advernture in Egypt, South Dakota Mt. Rushmore Adventure, Japanese Adventure, Canadian Niagara Falls Adventure, and last night we just finished an adventure in Mexico. What I really like about these books is that it gives you a little geography and a hint of history in them while Stanley is on his adventures. Plus they are funny! Stanley is a cute kid with a big, loving heart. Melanie just adores him. So we made 2 Flat Stanley's. We were supposed to send one of them off to family members & keep one here for Melanie to play with, but so far she won't part with one. She's even stapled them together with a drawing of her & Ezra.

One Handed Push-Up

Over Christmas break Kyle practiced doing a one handed push-up. He came back home from East Texas and said "Hey, check this out!" And he DID IT! HOORAY! Even Melanie couldn't help but try it out too. This is AWESOME KYLE!

Monday, January 7, 2013

Oh...The SNOW!

I don't care too much for the cold & snow, however, when it snows on Christmas THAT'S pretty fun!

Wednesday, January 2, 2013

Pop Star Melanie

Athletic Kyle

I am so proud that Kyle is into fitness and athletics! I really enjoy watching him show off his lil' six pack abs and trying his best to master a clap push-up and a one handed push-up. I really hope this exercise & health drive continues through adulthood.

Tuesday, January 1, 2013

Melanie Homeschooling-Math

I think Melanie's educational strong points are in math & science. We are nearly done with our Kindergarten Math Book. She is just moving right along doing page after page! It seems to me & I think it's REALLY neat, that when Melanie is counting on or adding equations she can "see" it in her mind. She doesn't seem to need to use her fingers or use objects to count with. It's almost like she's making tally marks in her mind. I find it facinating. I wasn't able to do things like that until I was older.

Max Steele Homeschooling

Max Steele Doll Pics

Melanie's friend Ezra has a man doll named Max Steele. For some reason Melanie was very drawn to him for a short period of time. She was able to borrow Max Steele for about a week and they were inseperable. However, now that Christmas is over & we had to give Max Steele back to Ezra, Melanie has been able to divert her attention.