Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Monday, April 27, 2009

Melanie Plays With Bugs

This girl sure likes bugs!

Kyle's Easter Basket Hunt

Kyle had to find & solve clues in order to get his Easter basket. I thought this would be more fun for him instead of having an Easter Egg Hunt. I think he enjoyed it.

Happy Easter

This is how we spent our Easter. A week before Easter we went to Toys R Us to buy Melanie's car seat and while we were there we participated in a Nickalodeon Easter Hunt. Kyle, Melanie & Isaac received goddie bags. Then the day before Easter, our neighborhood middle school hosted an Easter Hunt for various age groups. They had several activities for everyone. Kyle & Melanie's favorite activity was painting on the sidewalk. They also had the Easter Bunny there. Melanie LOVE'S the Eater Bunny! Duane was worried she would be scared. But she has this "thing" about bunnies and I just knew she would enjoy the Easter Bunny. Happy Eater everyone.

I Wuv You

Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Happy Easter

We went to Toys R US for Melanie's car seat on Saturday. Normally we wouldn't shop there because they are so expensive. However, they were holding an Easter Celebration. Each kid that came in was able to participate in an Easter Hunt and receive a prize. We thought that would be really neat for Kyle & Melanie. And wouldn't you know, Isaac went with us! We all had fun. We had a great family afternoon.

Sunday, April 5, 2009

Melanie's New Car Seat

Since day one, Melanie has really disliked riding in her car seat. Just recently since she has discovered Barney & Bear in the Big Blue House has she been OK with riding in the car-she can listen to a DVD. Even that wasn't good enough sometimes. So we decided to buy her a forward facing car seat, which was also given the OK by her pediatrician.
We bought Melanie her very last car seat. I don't know how many of you know this, but, kids up to 10 years or 100lbs. are supposed to use a car seat/booster seat. So with careful consideration, we chose this Graco 3-n-1 car seat. It's forward facing, starts at 20lbs. and moves on to 100lbs. You use it as a car seat, a high back booster, and then a backless booster. We shopped around at different stores, online , and finally settled on this one. We appreciate the safety it will provide, and the comfort. We also like that the seat will grow with Melanie. And Duane's FAVORITE feature is the built-in cup holder. She seems to really like it. We did a test run and she couldn't stop pointing at the things she saw, and talkin', talkin', talkin' about everything. No DVD required!
Here's Duane cleaning/preping the car-vacuuming. He found quite a few crumbs!

The very safe, cool, pretty, comfy toddler seat.

Melanie & Daddy trying it out, practicing.

Melanie enjoying her seat!

Thursday, April 2, 2009

Baby Feet

I really love this picture of Melanie's feet. I just couldn't help myself when I saw her feet exposed like that. Baby's feet are so soft, squishy, & cuddly and not used enough to stink.

Cute Photos

Melanie and Kyle being silly.

Melanie climbed up onto Smokey's retreat and he doesn't even seem to mind.
Melanie is so cute. When I give her a plate of food she takes it to the livingroom, puts it on the table, goes to get her chair and sits up like a big girl. We never taught her to do it. She figured it out on her own. I think it gives her a sense of independence and choice.
Melanie sun bathing. She is just like her Mom-except I never did it naked!
Sun bathing and trying to drink the water from the concrete!

Mom & Tim-Thanks for your visit.

I really want to thank Lori & Chad for hosting our parents during their visit. Thank you Mom & Tim for taking the time and money and love to come see all of us. We appreciate it. I really enjoyed seeing you guys and so did Kyle & Melanie.

Melanie's 18 Month Check

Weight: 22 lbs. 6.5 oz.-20%tile
Height: 32 inches-57%tile
Head Circ: 18 3/8 in.-52%tile

Duane and I threw out our "weight" thoughts for Melanie last night. I thought she would weigh 25-26 lbs. While Duane thought she weighed 32 lbs. We were both wrong. After Melanie turned a year old she really started eating table/toddler food. And she's even increased her eating slightly since I started working on Sundays. But this little girl just runs EVERYWHERE, and can't sit still for long periods of time. All that food she's eating is being burned up. She's a happy active little girl. Melanie is a very healthy girl. She's only had 2 colds in her 18 month life, and has never gone to the doctor for anything other than her well check. I think that's pretty impressive. We're just going to keep doin' what were doin'!
I hope you enjoy this picture of Melanie eating a Rollie polli. She LOVES Rollie pollie's! We found one yesterday and she just couldn't help herself. She put it in her mouth-I said"what do you have in your mouth?" She grinned and ran! I followed her and this is what I found-a smashed Rollie pollie! Melanie won't eat vegetables, but she'll eat poor innocent bugs. Weirdo!