Friday, August 31, 2012

The Solar System

This little project has been in the works for quite a few months. But we jsut finished it 2 days ago. A while back Melanie was VERY interested in the solar system. We got a bunch of books from the library and looked at stuff online. Then as we made our way through the craft area in Wal-Mart I spied a solar system kit. You had to paint it & put it together. So we did. One foam planet at a time. The thing is though, I learned that Pluto is a planet. Kyle has been taught that Pluto is not. This kit came with a Pluto. So what is a person to think & teach? GEESH. We decided to make Pluto a planet & it's pink.

Thursday, August 30, 2012

Little Krakatoa Erruptions

Our LiL' Krakatoa

We made a little Krakatoa. THe "mold" didn't quite come out, but it errupted all the same!


In 1883 a volcanic island called Krakatoa in Indonesia errupted causing major destruction and becoming one of the world's worst disasters. We learned about the anniversary from our little Science book! So to learn even more about it I checked out a book about Krakatoa from the library. Then Melanie and I looked at some BEAUTIFUL pictures online of volcanos and we decided to make one. The anniversary was August 27th. So while all the children were starting school, learning where to sit and what the rules are Melanie was learning about a historical natural disaster and making a volcano. That's COOL.

Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Sandy Lake Amusement Park & Family Picnic

WOW! What a FUN place this is! It reminds me of the National Orange Show in California. Except not as big. THANKS SUNSTATE for a SWEET & FUN family picnic! We had a free catered BBQ and free unlimited access to rides & miniture golf! Plus we got a free snow cone! What a great family day! We are so fortunate & BLESSED for Duane to have such a good, solid, productive, company to work for. And THANK YOU Duane for working so hard at Sunstate every day to provide for us. We love you SUPER MUCH and are so proud of YOU!

Melanie's Pony Ride

We went to Third Monday Rade Days last weekend. It was GREAT! We looked at a bunch of "stuff", had some lemonade & beef jerky and Melanie got to ride a pony. I LOVE HAVING SATURDAYS OFF!!! I am really enjoyin' our FAMILY DAYS.

Summer's Over?

We're gonna miss Kyle. The house is much too quiet without him. Can you believe he's starting 8th. grade? WEIRD. I don't have a picture of him because over the last year or so he's become quite camera "shy." But here's a rare pic of him & he's tying Melanie up. HA, HA, HA!!!

Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Sun Protector

I found this AWESOME Science book online at It's Science Around the Year featuring different Science facts and experiments for each season. It's short & sweet & to the point with fun experiments. Just what a 4 almost 5 year old needs! This project was about sunscreen. And how melanin is our skin's protector against ultraviolet light. It also discusses how we NEED healthy doses of sunlight as well to keep our body strong. So our experiment was to take 2 white sheets of paper and punch a bunch of holes in it. Then place those white sheets on top of 2 red sheets. And place them in direct sunlight for 2 hours at the heat of the day. We were to observe the color of the red paper. The result was pink polka dots. The white paper acted as "clothes" protecting our skin for the sun's rays. Red pigment fades when combined with oxygen. It happens naturally over time and the process is sped up with bright sunlight. Cutting holes in the white paper allowed the sunlight to hit the red paper causing it to fade to pink. Pretty neat, huh?

Sponge Painting!

Painting is so much fun, but SPONGE painting is AWESOME! If you have shape sponges it makes such FUN pictures! We had a flower, a bee, a seal, a ladybug & others.

Dive! Dive! DIve!

Splash Pad Fun

An hour at the splash pad is ALWAYS a good time! Melanie & her friend Ezra REALLY LOVE to hang together. And this was just another one of thier adventures. Along with Zane, Ezra's brother.

Monday, August 13, 2012


We made GOO, again. It's so FUN! And gross all at the same time. LOL!!!

Monday, August 6, 2012

Like Mother, Like Daughter

Hmmm...wonder where Kate gets it from?

Kate's Swim Meet Video

Kate's Swim Meet

I am SO GREATFUL to have had Saturday off so that I could watch and support Kate at her swim meet. It was super fun! The sun, the excitment, the water, the smell of chlorine-just gets your blood flowing! Kate is a rock star swimmer. That girl-she's goin' places. Great Job Kate.

Saturday, August 4, 2012

Wednesday, August 1, 2012

Support Chick-Fil-A: WE DO!

Melanie & I went to Chick Fil A in Highland Park this afternoon.  It was packed!  We waited 30 minutes for our food.  And it was worth EVERY minute to support them supporting TRADITIONAL MARRIAGE and FREE SPEECH.  Chick Fil A is a GREAT local company here.  They are very positive in their role in the community and hold true to good quality wholesome family values.  GOOD JOB Chick Fil A!!!  Thanks for standing up, standing by and sticking to your guns.  YOU ROCK!

Just Kickin' It With the DAD!

Melanie's Reading Log

We're already working on another 1! It'll be completed this Friday!