Thursday, February 18, 2016

February 18 2016..."D" Day! 40 Weeks Pregnant

My baby and I made it! We made it to our D Day! That was ALL I wanted, other than a healthy baby of course. Dr. said we're doing great. She "checked" me and I am 1-2 cm dilated, with 50% effacement. Which really doesn't mean too much. It's not an indication of when labor may start. I will see her again and have a sonogram in one week if I don't go into labor on my own. I was told today by another pregnant lady that I am carrying this baby "high", so she thinks we're having a girl. Do you think I'm carrying "high?" Duane and I think I'm carrying "low?" I don't have much of a torso, so it can be difficult to tell.

Monday, February 15, 2016

HUGS Cafe' "Have you had your hugs today?"

We FINALLY got a chance to revisit our beloved Downtown McKinney a couple of weeks ago and ate lunch at a new restaurant called Hugs Café. It's dedicated to people with special needs of all kinds, mostly though, with Down Syndrome. :-) :-) :-) It was super AWESOME. You can read about Hugs Café here Hugs Café.  We met a sweet mama and her 2 year old little girl with Down Syndrome eating right behind us.  She was sooooooo, very cute-she looked just like Sean.  Her name was Sayde.  One of the door greeters was a young man with Down Syndrome.  He had a buddy whom also had special needs and LOVED dancing to the music while waiting for customers.  I love that restaurant!  Everyone there was super friendly, HAPPY, and encouraging.  And of course, they all loved on Sean.  One of the in charge people even invited Sean to come work for her in about 18 years.  LOL!  I forgot to mention...the food was good too!

Saturday, February 13, 2016

39 Weeks Pregnant! 02-11-2016

Duane didn't think I'd make it this far. I think we both thought that this baby was probably going to come early because of Sean's pregnancy. All I want is to make it to my due date: (2-18-16), at the minimum. We're doing pretty good. Sean has been taking late afternoon naps making me miss running club. I'm super bummed. But the weather was so nice yesterday I couldn't help but go for a walk in the late afternoon and forgo getting dinner started on time. I walked for an nearly an hour, 3 miles! Thank goodness Duane came home 30 minutes late! LOL!

Friday, February 12, 2016

Sean Makes A Doggie Sound

Sean is doing so well with babbling and making tons of sounds. I love that he tries to mimic animal sounds. He's making amazing verbal progress. It's also very cute how he gets embarrassed in this video. He's such a sweetie!

Wednesday, February 10, 2016

Daddy-Daughter Dance 02-05-2016

Melanie has been looking forward to this dance all year! Duane and Melanie had so much fun last year they just couldn't miss out this year. We have learned that Aubrey offers a Daddy-Daughter dance. So next year, instead of McKinney they'll go to Aubrey. SWEET!

Monday, February 8, 2016

Melanie Reached 25 Miles With Running Club!!!!! (02-05-16)

GREAT JOB Meanie! She's worked so hard to reach this goal quickly, she's only been running since mid December. Next goal, 50 miles! GO Melanie, GO! We are so proud of you.

Saturday, February 6, 2016

38 Weeks Pregnant 02-04-2016

I'm really thankful this baby is staying in the womb, thus far. I'm thinking either a Valentine's baby, a due date baby, or anytime there after. We will see. Only God knows when this baby's birthday will be. I had a prenatal appointment today. Doing well.

Tuesday, February 2, 2016

Melanie and Sean Winding Down

There is just so much love between these two. Sean adores Melanie and she adores him. I'm so glad they have each other to play with.