Monday, January 27, 2014

Kyle's Tetherball Training

I love how Kyle uses this tetherball as a punching bag or speed bag. LOL! I wish we had room so he could have a little training area.


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Tuesday, January 21, 2014

Are We Having Twins?

McGurk Twins? free polls 

Baby McGurk Gender Poll

I really wanted to put a "gender poll" on my blog, but off to the right. Either BlogSpot won't let me or I just don't know what I'm doing. So it's a post instead until I can figure it out. Also, I think it's only letting one vote come through per day. But I really want to know what everyone thinks: boy or girl?
Baby McGurk Gender free polls 

Pregnancy Week 30

So on Wednesday January 15th., I was 30 weeks. Upon measurement the assistant midwife measured me at 34 weeks, twice. She thought that was a little odd, not too odd of course. Apparently it's still within normal limits. But she had the head midwife measure me because she was more familiar with my bump. According to her measurement I was 34 and a half! LOL! Never in my life of being pregnant have I measured more or less than my gestational week. Then you have Kyle saying "See? See mom? I told you there was more than one!" Needless to say they palpated me extensively throughout their visit & listened intently for a second heartbeat. They still haven't found more than one baby. But Kyle still says "We'll just be surprised when you go into labor." Not having a sonogram is making life very exciting around here. We don't know what the sex is or if there is more than one. I've been told I'm looking big. I've been told I have a beach ball instead of a basketball now. And I'm not sure if the mirrors in the Target dressing room are supposed to make a person appear bigger, but when I went to try on a couple nursing bras & took off my shirt I was happily flabbergasted at the size of my bump! HOLY MOLY! Objects in mirror maybe larger than they appear. HA!!! I'm feeling really good most of the time. At the end of the day I am super tired. Some days my rib pain is better than others. And I'm not used to feeling cooped up. The weather is off & on good/blah. When it's good I'm out & out for a long time. I think that contributes to me getting worn out. And when it's blah I feel blah. But as long as this baby is moving and growing I'm a content mama. A very thankful mama. Pregnancy is exciting!

Apple Belly @ 30 Weeks

Apparently this is what my baby bump looks like when I'm have a Braxton Hicks contraction? Melanie has informed me it looks like an apple. I can see the resemblance. It's a little eerie. HA!

Thursday, January 16, 2014

We Planted A Tree

Several years ago our beautiful tree got infested with some type of bug that we could never get rid of. Last year we ordered a Texas Giant. It looked almost like a vine when we got it. It never seemed like it was actually growing. It was supposed to be a super fast growing tree. Although it did produce new leaves it never seemed to get taller. Well with Duane's Christmas gift money he decide he was going to get a "real" tree. Here is our beautiful Maple tree, an Autumn Blaze. We bought it at a local nursery after talking with them on a couple different occasions. Duane followed all their tips & advice. So this baby should grow! Our neighbor Mr. Tyler offered to help Duane plant it. After all, he said, he'll get part of the shade out of it. HA! Although I didn't get a very good picture, Kyle helped to dig the whole as well, giving Duane a break. I can't wait for it to sprout leaves! In the fall they'll have a mix of dark and bright red leaves. A beautiful tree. Ahhh, the satisfaction of a job well one! THANK YOU DUANE!

Tuesday, January 14, 2014

Week 28 Baby Kicks

I forgot to add this video to my Week 28 pregnancy post.

Smokey Gets Groomed

Melanie adores Smokey. And sometimes I think he really adores her. Now is clearly one of those times he is really enjoying her company. Melanie makes brushing him sound like a commercial. So cute!

Wednesday, January 8, 2014

Exercise to Turn a Transverse Baby

This is what I found on several different websites, the Forward Leaning Inversion.  Uhhh...say what?  LOL! I asked my midwife if Duane & I could do this and she said yes! Absolutely. This baby has been pushing and rubbing and hanging out in my right rib area for quite some time. Yesterday by the end of the day I almost couldn't bare it. So, we attempted it. I think it was a success. (knock on wood) So far I feel much heavier in my lower abdomen instead of top heavy and the soreness in my rib cage, which would normally be pretty strong by now, seems to be less. So lets keep our fingers crossed and pray this baby goes head down. I really loved and appreciated how Duane got on the floor with me & kept time. I had to do it for 30-60 seconds, times 2. We did it 3 times cause the first time I don't think I was in the correct position. The rush of blood to my head was almost stifling, but I kept my calm & started deep breathing. I'm super thankful he laid there with me. Kyle was a good supporter taking pictures. Melanie was there giving encouragement. Even Brownie laid close by on my sweatshirt close by me. My family rocks!

Tuesday, January 7, 2014

Skating on New Years Eve Day

We went skating on New Years Eve Day at a little roller rink in Princeton. We were one of 2 families there. It as awesome! I LOVE roller skating. I'm so excited Melanie enjoys it as well. She has learned quickly! She's only had the skates a week. They were originally only playing up to date hip hop/pop type music. But I asked for the hokey poky & then some 80's! So fun. Although, I was the only one doing the hokey poky! LOL! WOW! My age really showed. - - - -

Monday, January 6, 2014

Pregnancy Week 28

My midwife appointment went great on Jan. 2. I learned I'm going to have 2 midwives as well as a midwife in training present at my birth. Kyle thinks I'm "large" for being 28 weeks or 7 months. So at his and Melanie's request Ms. Mercy, my midwife hunted around for 2 babies. She palpated me extensively and checked for 2 heartbeats. Both came back negative. A little disappointing, but not surprising. I already knew there was one sweet baby growing. I'm super thankful for that one. However, apparently I have been complaining a lot about upper right abdominal/rib cage soreness, enough that Duane encouraged me to tell Mercy about it. As she palpated me she noticed this baby was lying transverse with the head engaged in my right upper rib area. Transvers, huh? Well, that explains it. Pam, the other midwife, had me lay down on our bed, take a few deep breaths while she gently manipulated my abdomen trying to change the baby's position. It worked for a minute. But right after those ladies left it went right back to it's special spot. LOL! Stubborn baby. :-) Guess I'll just keep doing my pelvic tilts. Those are always effective! - - - Now I know pregnant women shouldn't spend too much time on their backs. However, I was very curious to see what my belly looked like lying in a supine position. YIKES!!! I'm HUGE!!!

Thursday, January 2, 2014

Daring Scooter Ride

Melanie Plays Tetherball

Kyle Plays Tetherball

Kyle was cracking me up with his tetherball skills! I laughed so hard several times I thought I was gonna push this baby right out! Kyle & Duane have a tetherball rivalry. This is Kyle training for it. Hilarious! I can't wait to get video of their tournament! Just like old times in Cherry Valley.