Sunday, May 31, 2009

Friday, May 29, 2009

Kyle's Track Meet-Vega Elem.-v- Press Elem.

Kyle participated in a track & field competition. He ran the 800 meters, the 50 meter relay, threw a dikus (frisbe), and did the long jump. Kyle jumped 5ft.7in! I don't know for sure, but that's pretty far to me. I had so much fun watching him and cheering him on! It was a blast! It took me back to high school when I ran track. I am so PROUD of Kyle! He was a great sport and participated wonderfully. Thank goodness I had my mei tai with me...I put Melanie on my back and ran accross the field during Kyle's 800M run. She was perfectly content-laughing and cheering Kyle on. Then she fell asleep. I love you Kyle, and I am so proud of you! You did GREAT!
I forgot to mention that Kyle took 4th place in his 800M run out of 10 kids. Very good!

Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Memorial Day

We spent our Memorial Day setting up our pool. We BBQ'd kabobs and hamburgers. We had a great day.

Kyle Enjoying the Pool

Melanie's Box

Turtle Sand Box

I came home from work on Sunday and this Turtle Sand Box was in front of someone's house with a sign that said "FREE." How exciting! It came with load of sand toys and was in good condition! What a find!

Melanie Feeding Harley

Brownie Mac

Melanie Walking Brownie

CowGirl Melanie

Apparently this is what Melanie does to pass the time when I'm at work and Duane is vacuuming! She looks so adorable! You can definitly tell she was born in Texas versus California!

Melanie & Chalk

Melanie is really into chalk. Not only does she enjoy coloring it, she also enjoys eating it. Melanie thought these pictures were "ice cream cones", so she placed her face in the concrete to eat them!

Friday, May 22, 2009

Baby Lauren Bittenbender & The Play Time at the Park

Welcome Baby Lauren to our family. I am so glad I got to meet you today. I look forward to spending lots of time with you, getting to know you and loving you. Congratulations Lori, Chad and Kate.

Fun Times at Lori's House

Monday, May 11, 2009

Toddler Town in Allen

Melanie and her friend Alex really enjoyed Toddler Town. Aren't they so cute!

I Love This Song

This song is so true. I learn something new everyday. I'm thank-ful for that. It's not the best version of the song. However, the message is the same. Enjoy.


Kyle is definitely trying to grow into a fine, young Man. And yet, when the ice cream truck comes along it's fun-kid-times all over again!

Fun Day

This video is pretty long, but it's cute!

The Worst & Best Mother's Day EVER!

Let me just start off by saying "Mother's Day", and "Father's Day" days are OVER RATED. We need to celebrate Moms and Dads EVERYDAY!
My Mother's Day started on Saturday night while putting Melanie to bed. I asked for a kiss and what I got in return just melted my heart. I got 2 tiny little hands on my cheeks and several half open mouthed kisses with laughter! Then a "Nigh, Nigh, Momma." After that, I laid on the couch to cuddle with Kyle and watch Fantastic 4. I then went to bed, only to wake-up and work on Mother's Day. By, the way, I worked on Saturday too.
Anyway, I got up to have my coffee and received a very cute homemade card from Kyle & Melanie. Kyle wrote me a poem and Duane helped Melanie make a colorful hand print. Earlier in the week I also received a CD of Kyle's chiore singing "You Are My Sunshine" to all the kids' Mommies. Absolutely LOVED that! But back to the card. Instead of feeling joy and happiness for such a thoughtful gift, I felt GUILT, SADNESS, FRUSTRATION, ANGER, AND JEALOUSY. Kyle wrote a very cute poem with my name, and a few things he was Thankful for. That's what made me so emotional. He thanked me for "making dinner on the weekdays." Now I KNOW I may be blowing this out of proportion-but, Kyle is 10, & I think he gets it. I "only" make dinner on the weekdays because lately I'm at work on the weekends. I'm NOT a stay-at-home-mom, I want to be, but I'm not. I go to work on the weekends, so I don't have to put my kids in daycare. In return I get less "WHOLE family time", and almost zero husband time. I don't want to be a "Weekday SAHW&MOM". I want to be a FULL-TIME WIFE & MOM. Well, what I want & what I can accomplish are slightly different. I have to go back to work-part-time. With Duane's pay cut, and more lay-offs in his company, I must continue to work. And I will ONLY work on the weekends. No day care for my Melanie and no "Latch-Key kid" for Kyle. However, I AM NOT working all weekend long anymore! I've only done it 3 times, but that is more than enough to continue to make us realize that my place is at home. And I am so LUCKY & PROUD to have a husband that agrees! I feel lucky to have a husband that misses me when I'm not home. There is nothing like feeling WANTED & NEEDED by your family.
This is how I spent my Mother's Day. I worked with a Special Needs little boy-a near drowning victim at the age of 19 months (Melanie's age). His Mom had to work today too. Sad isn't it? He's a victim of lack of supervision around a pool, a victim of divorce, and a victim of his mom "having to work" to make ends meet. Kind of helps put your own life into perspective. I want to be HOME. So, in between administering my nursing duties, I took time out to make this Mom feel important on her Mother's Day. I cleaned her kitchen. Believe me it needed it! And my biggest accomplishment of the day-I started and finished Dr. Laura's new book "In Praise of Stay-at-Home-Moms. What a GOOD book! Of course I cried. I laughed too. But, really I CRIED. This book REALLY confirms what I feel I need to do as a MOM & WIFE. I need to be home with my family taking care of my own kids and husband. I miss them. I feel empty when I'm away from them for a long period of time. My family feels the same. Well, NO MORE WORKING FULL WEEKENDS. Duane & I re-evaluated our budget(for the billionth time!)and well, NO MORE CELL PHONE for me, NO MORE NEWSPAPER DELIVERY, and who knows what else we'll be able to cut! All we know is that I'm not working more than I half too!
For a long time my Mom and Dad-Tim, were the Heros in my life. But now, as expected my Husband Duane is the Hero in my life. Daune is so great with me. I KNOW he is my soul mate, just like I KNOW I'm supposed to be home with my family. I can be such an emotional roller coaster sometimes and he just KNOWS how to handle me. I'm lucky to have found such a great, kind, patient, hardworking MAN. I AM MY KIDS MOM, AND MY HUSBANDS WIFE! Happy Mother's Day.

Thursday, May 7, 2009

Poor Bear

This is what Melanie did to Bear in the Big Bkue House. That's what I get for trying to do the dishes.

Kyle & Melanie On the Trampoline

Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Gross & Sad

The kids on our street found this pittiful baby bird lying in the grass. How sad. It breaks my heart to look at these pictures. I told the kids to climb the tree of the yard where the bird was found & find it's nest. No luck. This baby bird is not going to survive.

My 31st. Birthday

This is how I spent my 31st. Birthday. There is no FUN like TODDLER Fun! The only thing I wish I could have changed was having Kyle there. But he was at school. My sister Lori made Lasagna, salad, and the best part-WARM BROWNIES with VANILLA ICECREAM! I played Ring Around the Rosie, the Dizzy Game, and Run, Run, Run over and over again. I really enjoyed my day. Thanks Lori.
Thanks Mom & Tim for Dr. Laura's new book-I can't wait to read it. I love the clothes too. You just knew I needed new clothes. I really did. Thank you. Thank you everyone for wishing me a Happy Birthday on Face Book.
By the's so funny to say that "I'm in my thirties." I'm NOT just 30 anymore-I'm ACTUALLY IN my thirties. So weird. I'm still amazed at how fast time flies by.

Monday, May 4, 2009

Canton Trade Days

We went to Canton on Saturday. It's located in East TX. We met my brother Joe & his family there. Canton Trade Days is like a massive garage sale! They have everything. We mostly enjoyed the food. Everybody had samples. We enjoyed the salsa the most, and bought some, along with Tortilla Soup! It was a nice family day. I really enjoyed seeing my brother & his fun family. Thanks for meeting us half way Joe!

Melani Helping to Make Cupcakes

This is Melanie's way of saying Happy Birthday! We had a lot of FUN!