Thursday, January 28, 2016

Melanie and I Got a Pedicure

Just like with my previous pregnancies I got a much loved pedicure. Just like with Sean's pregnancy Melanie got one too. It was fantastic! Because of the time of year, it was empty inside and we were able to relax and not feel rushed. It was wonderful! The ladies all asked if we were having a boy or girl. When I mentioned we didn't know the gender they all spoke their opinion. But one lady especially spoke out & said "It's a boy, I can guarantee you that!" I'll have to go back after this baby is born and let her know if she was right or wrong. LOL!
To fit the occasion of not knowing the baby's gender, Melanie and I opted for pink and blue toes.  We also got a flower.  :-)

Baby McGurk Moving (approx. 36 weeks old)

This baby is a moving maniac.  However, it's difficult to get a video due to it's shyness.  But with it's Lil Big Brother Sean poking it with a pen it doesn't quite have a choice.  LOL!
By the way, I'm 37 weeks today.  Only 20 more days until my due date.

Sean and Melanie Make Music

Sean's Honey Mustard Catastrophe

It was earlyish morning and we were making Kyle's lunch for school. Sean really wanted to play with the bottle of honey mustard that I was using for Kyle's chicken sandwich. So I let him have it. It's a squeeze bottle so I didn't realize the lid was loose. Next thing I knew we had a Honey Mustard Catastrophe on our hands. Since Sean's not very mobile he doesn't get into trouble very much in the kitchen. So this was a very pleasant surprise for me and him, I'm sure. It's about time he had himself a little adventure. Such a sweet lil treasure this lil guy is.

Wednesday, January 27, 2016

Sean Hisses at Dr.'s Office

We have this book that was given to Sean when he was an infant from Grandma Linda called Squeak Squeak. It's Sean's favorite. On the first page it reads "Squeak! Purple puppy looked around. Where did that squeak come from? Did you squeak he asked Snake? Not I said snake, I only hissss." Sean is learning to mimic that sound. It's so cute. During one of my prenatal appointments we recited that book for Sean and he started "hissing."

Tuesday, January 26, 2016

Sean's Giggles

Sean is becoming a great mimicker. It's so cute. Once he sees that you think it's funny, he just keeps going. He's becoming quite a comical little guy.

Monday, January 25, 2016

Sometimes He's A Lil Cuddle Bunny

36 Weeks, and 4 Days

It was this time nearly 2 years ago that I went into labor with Sean.  He was considered early.  I'm praying that this baby stays put, until my due date 2-18-16, or God's time, of course.
I'm feeling good.  Melanie and I are doing running club at the local elementary school.  I don't run, but Melanie does.  :-)  We walk there: 1/2 a mile, walk/run around the school twice: 1 mile and walk back: 1/2 mile.  We're up to 13 miles, not counting the walk to the school and back.  This baby moves a lot.  Unless I get out the camera of course.  One thing about this pregnancy verses all my others is that it likes to poke a body part of some kind elbow, foot, hand, shoulder through my belly button.  Making it stick out even more.   It's very interesting.  Usually I have a problem with my babies sticking a foot in my right rib cage.  My next appointment is Friday the 29th.  Then I'll see my Dr. weekly.  Very exciting. 
As a matter of fact I am very excited about this lil baby.  I'm excited to find out the gender and to just meet this lil miraculous gift growing inside me.   ThrilledWe've been slowly preparing for this baby's arrival.  A super sweet mama from Lori's prayer group gave us a crib/changing table/cabinet.  With a mattress, mattress pads, sheets, and a bumper.  Just gave it to us.  :-)  We didn't even know them.  So thoughtful.  I've packed my hospital bag.  Melanie and I picked out two sleepers at a consignment store, Kid to Kid.  2 boy outfits, 2 girl.
My bathroom has been thoroughly cleaned.  I've dusted our room.  Duane has vacuumed it thoroughly.  I'm sure we'll do all these things again. I'm trying to stock pile food and milk for Sean.  This week I'll try to stock pile easy peesy food for us.  Our church is even giving us a baby shower on Saturday the 30th.  I think we may be nearly ready.  I am so excited.

Monday, January 4, 2016

Christmas Pics

Thank you everyone for loving on our kiddos! They are really lucky to have all of you. We are so thankful.
PJ Dress From Santa
Perfume From Santa
Misc. Snacks From Santa
Barbie POP UP Camper from Grandma Linda
Christian Music CD's from Sean
Fancy Shampoo & Conditioner from Us
Kindle Fire from Poppie & Meme
Rain Boots from Us
Cork Board from Us
Fur Real Friend from Grandma & Papa
Warm PJ set from Us
Sean enjoying the basketball hoop from Grandma & Papa
Feeding the Fur Real Friend