Thursday, September 27, 2012

Chuck E. Cheese

We took Melanie out to dinner at Chuck E. Cheese for her birthday. WHAT A TON-FUN!! This place was great! We got LOTS of FREE tokens, a free cup and saw CHUCK E. a lot. Melanie said hello to him, danced with him & took a picture with him. Melanie was also very GENEROUS during our time there. Everytime she walked by kids she was giving away her tokens & her tickets to one of them. She was very happy to do so. The games were just her size & Kyle was very helpful to get her as many tickets as he could. He even made out like a bandidt getting lots of candy.

He's A Helper

Smokey is going to enjoy decorating for Halloween also.

Saturday, September 22, 2012

Kyle's Cross Country Meet #2-Meyer's Park

I think I got some good pictures of Kyle this meet! I had a better understanding of the course & had a plan this time BEFORE he started his race. He's got pretty good running form. Kyle looks like a strong runner. We're very proud of him!

Kyle's Cross Country Meet

Kyle had his first meet of the season at Meyers Park in McKinney. They're were a TON of schools there. Even the high schoolers ran. It was SO FUN! I was PUMPED UP! I FINALLY got to see my son run! He rocks! He's a good little runner. I was running all over the place to get a good picture of him. I had know idea where to go to follow him around the course. But I had a ton of fun! He did very well! It was very exciting watching Kyle run! GO KYLE GO!

Friday, September 21, 2012

Gotta Love THIS!

How do ya like this outfit, huh? Gotta LOVE IT!

Fire Safety Town

Last month I went to the Honda dealership in McKinney to have our inspection done. While Melanie & I were in the playroom a mom & 3 kids came in. We got to talking & she asked me what grade Melanie was in. I told her we homeschool her & she's doing kindergarten curriculum. She said "I homeschool too!" So we got to talking even more & she invited us to Fire Safety Town with her church's homeschool group. That was so kind of her! The homeschool group is pretty unofficial. Other than church they get together about every 4-6 weeks or so for a "field-trip." We had such a great time! Everyone was super nice-n-friendly, & polite! After exploring Fire Safety Town we went to a local park to play & have a sack lunch. It was a blast! I look forward to going to another field trip with this little group & getting to know them more. Fire Safety Town was pretty fun. We had a safety lecture/meeting. Then we went into a makeshift kids bedroom on the second story of a house. We learned about what to do if a fire started & smoke came in. The fireman had all of us get down on the ground & crawl to the window. Then he helped us out. Smoke really came into the room-IT WAS CREEPY! And stinky. A couple children, including Melanie got a little creeped out. After that we explored "Safety Town." We rode bikes through the lil town and obeyed the traffic signals. It was a pretty fun experience. Afterwards, Melanie CRASHED on the couch while watching a show. She stayed awake all the way home but just couldn't keep her eyes open any longer.

Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Best Friends

Melanie met Ezra in March & they have been nearly inseparable since then. These girls ADORE each other. They just play & play & play. Melanie has been asking when Ezra could have dinner with us for a while now. On Saturday we had steak so it seemed like the perfect opportunity. Ezra LOVES steak! She & Melanie had such FUN! Ezra was a great guest, very complimentary to Duane. It was really cute having one of Melanie over.

Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Learning About America

Build-N-Grow at Lowes

I went to my first Build-N-Grow at Lowes with Melanie & Duane! Oh it was so COOL! Duane gets the nail started & Melanie finishes the job. Great team work! I loved this Father-Daughter moment. What a coincedence that she built a Chuck E. Cheese ski ball game....we're going to Chuck E. Cheese for her birthday dinner!

Reading Time

I'm so glad she enjoys looking through & tries to read books.

Monday, September 10, 2012

We LOVE America

We LOVE America, even if it isn't doing so well right now. We are very THANKFUL to be AMERICANS! The more I learn about our history the more appreciative I am that we live here. THANK YOU VETERANS. THANK YOU SOLDERS. THANK YOU FIRE FIGHTERS. THANK YOU POLICE OFFICERS. THANK YOU NURSES & DOCTORS. THANK YOU MR. PRESIDENT. THANK YOU PAST PRESIDENTS. Thank you very much EVERYONE for trying your best to make AMERICA the GREATEST place to live and be FREE. It's not an easy thing to do. Nor can you please everyone. Thank you. I bought this book from a REALLY great website It is SUPER FUN! The music ROCKS! Melanie really enjoyed doing the very first lesson. She learned about the American Flag, it's history, who designed it, and which states were the first colonies. She also learned about the colors of the Flag and what they represent. THE RED, THE WHITE, THE BLUE, BE BRAVE, BE FAIR, BE TRUE!

The Seasons

I found this simple, cute craft in our Turtle magazine. You trace the child's hand/arm for the tree branch and cute out different colors for the season's bush/leaves. Then you cute out different apples for the Summer leaves, different colors for Autum, snowballs for Winter, & flowers for Spring.

Dada LOVE!

Oh this picture is so sweet!