Saturday, April 27, 2013

Very Unexpected BLESSINGS at Strutt Your Mutt

Listen closely to the video....
Kyle received a medal! He won FIRST place for his age group!!! Kyle finished 19th. out of A LOT of people! He ran the 5K in 23:52!!! WOW! That's better than his cross country meets. A personal best for my son. AWESOME RUN KYLE! And I received a medal TOOO!!! I won FIRST place for my age group!!!! I ran a personal best also. I ran the 5K in 25:46. I came in 26th. overall. We had a lot of FUN! I was not even expecting to win anything. I just wanted to run with my son, have a super fun family day. And W.O.W. Look what I got...I had such a BLESSED day! I didn't walk, I ran the whole way. Can you believe GOD makes our bodies so strong? We are perfectly made. Thank you GOD for giving me the strength & the courage to run this race (I was worried I'd come in last). Thank you Lord for giving my son the desire to run with his mama and for keeping him super healthy and giving us this sport in common. Thank you Dear Lord for my SUPER FANTASTIC hubby! Duane is AWESOME in his support for us and his encouragement. Thank you Jesus for my SWEET, SWEET Melanie. Her cheers for us gave me a smile during my run. Her & Duane's voice just echoed in my mind. And I can't forget my lil' Brownie dog...Thank you Lord my little weenie dog who enjoyed a day with her family. Thank you for my friends and family for ALL their support with donations to the SPCA and encouraging words. All our family and friends TOTALLY ROCK!

SPCA Strutt Your Mutt 5K

Woohoo! We did it! We ran a 5K! It was so fun. Here are our pics. Thank goodness Duane was there to take our pics. YAY! Our arrival pic. Melanie strutting Brownie around. Duane & Kyle just waiting... Super excited to hear "On your mark. Get Set...GO! Just LOOK at all those runners! Kyle running a GREAT race! Kyle finishing STRONG! Me running. Me having a STRONG finish! We're done! We did AWESOME. Here's a video of our start.

Friday, April 26, 2013


Tomorrow's the BIG RACE DAY! I'm feeling a little nervous. I realize that I'm only running a 5K, 3 miles, and I can easily do that. I'm just nervous cause it's my first race as an adult. It's a "race." Only for fun, but still a race. However...I AM REALLY excited to be running with my son! How cool is that? SUPER COOL. I hope that this becomes a trend for him & me. See running this 5K was never really for the animals, although I am an animal fan, this race was about bonding and being healthy with my son. It's so neat that he enjoys running like I did at his age and still very much do 15 years later. GO team Hunt-McGurk!

Wednesday, April 24, 2013

A Rare Photo of Kyle

This boy is always ducking my camera! But, finally-I got a pic. HA!


Melanie is really getting good at hula hooping! Hula Woo!

Monday, April 22, 2013

Girls Just Wanna Have Fun

We just absolutely ADORE having Ella over. Playing Drss-Up is SO much FUN! Swing Your Partner-Dosie Doe! The Two Dancing Princess's

Monday, April 8, 2013

Hoppy Easter Pics!

THANKS! Mom & Tim for the egg dyeing kit.

Melanie Made (wrote) a Book

Have you ever seen or read a book like this? Melanie is enjoying reading books & she thinks it's so neat that pictures are sometimes used instead of words. So she made her own book with picture words & gave it to her friend Alex as a gift. See the picture words?

Thursday, April 4, 2013

Melanie Can HULA Hoop!

Since Melanie's enjoying jump roping so much I thought it would be fun to get a hula hoop. I didn't even know she was already so good! Apparently Melanie has been enjoying hula hooping at the church where we're attending a financial class. Go Melanie GO!!!

Melanie CAN Jump Rope!

THIS is Melanie THIS morning! WOW! She woke up & said "I can still jump rope even though my hip hurts." And she was off! First thing this morning she was jump roping. HA! She must have jump roped so much yesterday her legs were sore. AMAZING.

Melanie Is Learning to Jump Rope Cont...

This is Melanie between 5:30 & 6:30PM yesterday. She is successfully learning to jump rope!

Melanie Is Learning to Jump Rope!

This video is from yesterday afternoon-say about 2PM. She's VERY determined to "get it right." She's doing extremely well.

Kyle-My Hard Working Son

I am just super proud of how much of a hard worker Kyle is. Our neighbor's mower broke & she asked if Kyle would mow her yard. I love having a son like this-a willing, enthusiastic, hard worker. psst...he didn't even get paid for this.

Melanie Reading

This video is from March 21-just 2 weeks ago. She is an even stronger reader now! She read a book to Kyle & me in the car on Monday & Kyle was like "WHOA! Good reading Melanie!" So COOL.

Tuesday, April 2, 2013

A Fish In the Sea

And THIS is what you get when you play with a single hole punch! How creative is this? I can't believe the imaginative creation that came out from just using a hole punch and cutting out random shapes. Melanie used some of the discarded hole pieces to give her fish air bubbles. AWESMOME. A Fish A Fish in the Sea A Fish in the Sea with air bubbles & seaweed.