Thursday, January 31, 2008

Mmmmm... Solid Food-Cereal & Breast Milk

Instead of eating cereal for breakfast, Ms. Melanie ate it for dinner! I believe she has mixed feelings about it. She definitly likes the spoon to chew on! We'll keep trying!

Wednesday, January 30, 2008

4 Month Check-Up

Yesterday Melanie had her 4 month check-up. It consisted of 4 shots-2 in each thigh, and one oral vaccine. Not too fun! But, I know in the long run she will be a very protected, healthy little girl. We were given the OK to start cereal. Which we may or we may not. I'm not in a hurry. She seems to be quite satisfied with breast milk only. So, we'll see. The Dr. said she is doing very well. She is growing at a steady rate. Melanie is holding her head up, smiling, giggling, rolling over, reaching, grasping, interested in being sat-up, and of course has TWO teeth. So aside from her injections, Melanie had a very good, productive appointment. Her measurments are as follows:
Height: 23 3/4 in.
Head Cir.: 16 1/4
Weight: 13 lbs. 7 oz.

Thursday, January 24, 2008


FINALLY! I have a GOOD video of Melanie rolling over! She will now roll over when I place her on her tummy, instead of getting irritated and mad, or only rolling after waking from a nap. I hope everyone enjoys this video. I was so excited!


Once a baby chooses a "special toy", especially if that toy "makes noise", they want to hear it over and over and over, and over, and over! Then you hear comments like "take out the batteries!", "I'm going to throw that thing in the trash!", "Let's leave that one at Grandmas." Well, I can't do any of those things anytime soon. Melanie just LOVES QUACK QUACK!

Sunday, January 20, 2008

Roll over, Roll over-Send Melanie right over!

Ms. Melanie has been rolling over for nearly a month now-yet no one has seen her do it. She generally sleeps on her tummy, but when she wakes up and we go to get her, she is on her back. During the day we do "tummy time", but she won't roll over. We put her on her tummy in her crib- she won't roll over. She always gets mad! But this time I saw her roll over. Her nap time is very precise. So just before her nap ended I went to her room with the camera and waited for her to wake up. Sure enough a couple of minutes go by and there she is-rolling over! How exciting!

Thursday, January 17, 2008

Citrus Loving Dream Girl!

I DO NOT reccomend letting any baby of this age to eat an orange! But, I must tell you, this baby went CRAZY when I started to peel it. She was grabbing, babbling, and swaying her body every which way it would go! I kept saying "What's the matter baby, what do you want?" The more I talked the more irritated she seemed to become. I eventually put the orange to her nose to smell and said "Orange." She couldn't get her hands on it fast enough! Thank goodness the camera was close by, because these pictures say a lot about what a pregnant/lactating woman eats! For the last year my snack of choice has been a handful of either tangerines or oranges, with a couple of apples. I can't seem to eat enough of them- and apparently neither can Melanie. Either she remembers the smell/taste from utero or my breast milk, or this baby thinks this is MAMA'S boobie, or she is showing signs of being ready for solid food.
Speaking of being ready for food-Melanie has her first tooth peering through! And the second one is close behind! That is so exciting! She will be 4 months old on the 26th-I can't belive it.

She is rolling over. But she still won't let anyone see her-BRAT! Like all kids she loves the Harley Cat. And Harley loves her too.
Melanie is a happy girl and is just an absolute DREAM! I am so lucky to have been chosen to be her Mom.

Antique Fun

My neighbors Rebekah and Jason are great. Rebekah had their son Alex in July. In October she and I started walking together. It was a great activity for new Moms to start bonding!
In these pictures, Rebekah is showing Kyle an old time little buggy. It's gas powered and has a REAL horn! Kyle was having so much FUN! He just loves to ride.
Thank you Rebekah and Jason for sharing such a fun antique!

Monday, January 7, 2008

Growing Up

Kyle no longer resembles my baby boy AT ALL. He hasn't for a couple of years. But now when I see him in these pictures I no longer see a little boy. The image of a young man is peering through. He used to be a mama's boy-sometimes he still can be. But for the most part my son is growing up. He's only 9-yet I can see the kind of man he will become shining through. He's a protector, he's a comedian, he's a cuddler, he's sensitive;yet strong. He's very opinionated, smart, courageous, inspirational, bright, ambitious, curious, handsom, and FUN! I wish I had a digital camera 9 years ago-so that I may share the baby photo's of Kyle. But the people who read this blog lived with Kyle as a baby and I'm sure remember the blonde curley afro Kyle used to have. Everyone would comment on his beautiful curls! As a young Mom I sure relied on the help of my parents on how to be a good Mom. Sometimes I did as I was told and sometimes I didn't. But, I always tried my best. The kind of relationship I wanted to have with Kyle was always on my mind: Open, communicative, loving, strong, unconditional. I definitely try my best to be the best Mom I can to him. I just love this big boy so much and I can't believe he's going to be 10 years old! Do you people know what that means? That means in 10 more years I'll be 40 and Kyle will be 20! That is CRAZY how time flies! Ten years is NOT that far away! So much has transpired in 9 years! I've gotten married to a great guy, I've moved to Texas ,I given birth to a daughter, and instead of pursuing a nursing career and becoming a RN I have quite my job to be a stay at home Mom. Which by the way Kyle says he is "so happy about!" How wonderful life is. How wonderful my son is. He is a fantastic big brother, a great son, and I'm sure, will be fine, fine young Man. This post was inspired by my niece Kate. Thanks to her first birthday I have been reminising about Kyle's birth, first birthday and going through the thousands of pictures I took of him. I LOVE YOU KYLE! I LOVE YOU WITH ALL MY HEART. I'M PROUD AND HONORED TO BE YOUR MOM.

Friday, January 4, 2008

More pictures PLEASE!

I love Mr. Bumble Bee-buzz, buzz, buzz.

Ooohh-I can make lot's of noise!

Oh how Melanie loves Lil. Bunny Foo Foo!

Too much to Post!

Kyle and his Bop Em Buddy!

Melanie passed out on my bed!
Melanie passed out in her bouncer.
Big brother Kyle & beautiful baby Melanie.

You Who-Where are you? Continued!

Here are even MORE pics! Enjoy people!
Note Smokey hoding a MOUSE in my pantry, and hanging out with Frosty the Snowman.
Thank you to my Mom & Tim, & Lori for my Ring Sling-I LOVE IT! Thank you to Uncle Walt & Aunt Debbie for this VERY cute outfit on Melanie!

You who-Where are you? Continued.

Here are more pictures of my life- Kyle & Melanie. Have I mentioned Melanie is teething, & Kyle will be joining a bowling league instead of playing soccer?

You who-Where are you? Here We Are!

It's been quite a long time since I have jotted anything down in my blog. I feel like I have NO time! Between the holidays-Alice, TX for Thanksgiving, hosting my first Christmas dinner, taking care of a newborn, and trying to entertain a 9 year old, I actually feel like I have NO time. I wonder how people have a full time job outside of the home and take care of their families. I would fall apart. Well, anyway-please except my aplogies to all who read this.

Happy Thanksgiving.
Merry Christmas.
Happy New Year.
Happy Birthday Kate.
Happy Birthday Tim.
Happy Birthday Duane.
Happy Birthday Chad.

Oh, by the way, I can't belive it's been a year since I found out I was pregnant with Melanie, and Kate being born! Amazing! Time has flown by. Life is so exciting and sad at the same time.