Thursday, January 17, 2008

Citrus Loving Dream Girl!

I DO NOT reccomend letting any baby of this age to eat an orange! But, I must tell you, this baby went CRAZY when I started to peel it. She was grabbing, babbling, and swaying her body every which way it would go! I kept saying "What's the matter baby, what do you want?" The more I talked the more irritated she seemed to become. I eventually put the orange to her nose to smell and said "Orange." She couldn't get her hands on it fast enough! Thank goodness the camera was close by, because these pictures say a lot about what a pregnant/lactating woman eats! For the last year my snack of choice has been a handful of either tangerines or oranges, with a couple of apples. I can't seem to eat enough of them- and apparently neither can Melanie. Either she remembers the smell/taste from utero or my breast milk, or this baby thinks this is MAMA'S boobie, or she is showing signs of being ready for solid food.
Speaking of being ready for food-Melanie has her first tooth peering through! And the second one is close behind! That is so exciting! She will be 4 months old on the 26th-I can't belive it.

She is rolling over. But she still won't let anyone see her-BRAT! Like all kids she loves the Harley Cat. And Harley loves her too.
Melanie is a happy girl and is just an absolute DREAM! I am so lucky to have been chosen to be her Mom.


Lori said...

Love the car! Love your new header too. Teeth! Even earlier than Kate!

Anonymous said...

Cute pictures with the orange! I keep trying to see her new "toofer." So far no luck. I'll see it myself on Monday. Great Blog!