Thursday, July 31, 2014

Science With a Princess (Frisco Discovery Center)

Lori told me about this event so we went. Melanie had a good time. She's not a big fan of Disney Princess's, especially Cinderella, but she really enjoyed the science part, craft, story time, petting the Fancy Rat and of course eating a cupcake! Afterwards we met up with Lori and her crew for Frisco Discovery Center fun! There will be another next month-Science with Princess and the Pea. Should be fun! - - - - - - - Video of Melanie's Magical Pumpkin!

Saturday, July 26, 2014

Grass Hopper

Look what was on my car door when I came out of the grocery store. It's so pretty.

Tuesday, July 15, 2014

Ready for the Swimming Pool!

Is Sean Signing "Mama's Milk"?

We think so, but you can decide for yourself! :-) This baby is AMAZING. So Melanie had Milkie Pies. Sean has Mama's Milk. Sweet.

Melanie Made Paper Dolls

Melanie received this scetch art as a homeschool treat a while ago. She recently brought it back out and started using different colored crayons for it. She then got the idea to cut them out and turn them into paper dolls. Duane even helped her make accesories like purses for the ladies. - - - -

He's Got ROLLS on His Knees

I'm pretty proud of his rolls!

Sean's Physical Therapy

Everyone is always asking us when we're going to start physical therapy with Sean. "Don't forget to get in touch with ECI (early childhood intervention)." Well, meet Sean's PT Team. Melanie. (Not Pictured: Duane, Kyle & Michelle) At this particular time in Sean's life, who needs a stranger playing with your baby when you have your family?

Thursday, July 10, 2014

Sean Can Laugh

I don't know what it is about this camera, but when it comes out this baby nearly stops his adorable actions, aka-smiling or laughing.
But this time, with Duane's help we caught his adorablness just little.
Sean is so cute.  He likes when I do feather kisses on his arms & cheeks, "arring" on his neck/chest, & sometimes nosing his chin back & forth.  IT'S SO CUTE!

Wednesday, July 9, 2014

I'm 4 Months Old!

This little guy is such a champ! He's weighing in at 14 lbs. 2.5 oz. and 24 inches long.

Monday, July 7, 2014


Kyle and me like you've NEVER seen! Can you believe it? We're being silly together! We're smiling and having fun! Me & My Boys!

Thursday, July 3, 2014

Simple Sean Video

Sean can be a Chatty Kathy, but he doesn't really like the camera. So if I can get him chatting with me on video it's a miracle!

Trying to Teach the Milk Sign

There are 2 signs I'm trying to teach Sean, milk & mama. I do them over and over all day. I think he recognizes the signs, whether he knows what they mean...who knows. It's fun either way. When he sits next to me while I pump & starts to get fussy I've even incorporated the "make" & "wait" signs. Then I'll sign all 4 while saying the words..."You need to "wait", "Mama" is "making" "milk."" It's funny.

Playing With Sean

I think it's so cute how Melanie tries to incorporate Sean into her playing.