Thursday, July 18, 2013

A Cat in the Bag

Look how my Smokey just adores my grocery shopping bag. This cat is crazy! Check out his silly video just below!

We Think...

We think this plant may actually be a PUMPKIN plant! We were sitting outside a couple days ago and Duane said he really thinks it's a pumpkin plant because along our porch area is where we carve our jack-o-lanterns. OH Yeah! I forgot about that. So...maybe this year we will be accidentally growing our very own pumpkin. COOL!

Friday, July 12, 2013

Melanie's Riding Without Training Wheels!

On Monday I just decided to take off the training wheels. I just had an over whelming feeling that Melanie is ready to ride big girl style. She was a little hesitant at first, this girl does not like change. However, just after her first attempt she was thrilled with the freedom and fun riding without training wheels can bring! She's been riding all week long to practice. Just on Tuesday, 1 day after taking off the training wheels, she was zooming around our block like a pro! Go Melanie, GO!

Tuesday, July 9, 2013

Funny FORD

The picture below is one of the many reasons I like FORD's. Not only are they not in such financial despair that they were able to pass on those ridiculous car bailouts but they are advertising it. I LOVE IT. They should really market that even more by putting it on their commercials, bill boards, etc. I think it's awesome!

Neat Little Science Treasure

We find all kinds of things when we go for walks. Yesterday it was a blue bird egg.

Reading Nook

Melanie made herself a little reading nook. And with all those comfy pillows Brownie couldn't resist joining her.

Friday, July 5, 2013

Happy 4th. Of July!

In the morning we went to a parade in our lil' ole downtown McKinney. Then we went out to lunch. We swam in our pool. Played with our neighbors. Grilled BBQ chicken. And most important, we ignored the law & did 1 mini fountain, and a few sparklers in our backyard. HA! (since BIG Brother/BIG government is probably reading this post I should probably delete it) HA! However, we were extremely safe & used a bucket of water to discard our burning hot sparklers & had the hose going continuously just in case something caught on fire. It was a BLAST of a day. Ton-o-Fun! Happy Independence Day everyone!

Pool Fun!

What Kind of Plant is THIS?

Does anyone know what kind of plant this is? It's growing in our front yard, very close to our front porch. We didn't plant it. But we think maybe a bunny did. They have been known to burrow under our porch. Or maybe a bird. We have a few possibilities of what we think it may be. 1. A weed (my guess) 2. A cantaloupe plant (Duane's guess) 3. A zucchini plant (Lori's guess.) It's growing fast, like a weed. But it has beautiful yellow flowers. Duane has an app on his phone that can tell you what kind of plant it is. They said it was something weird, something we haven't heard of. And when we "googled" it, the pictures were not the same as our dear plant. So needless to say, we are very curious. This thing is getting huge! And even though it's not an eye sore we don't want it taking over our yard. So, what are your ideas? What kind of plant do you think we have?

We Went Bowling!

The three of us went bowling and WOW, did we NOT do very well! HA! We haven't been bowling in years and it showed. Duane barely broke 100, Melanie & I did not. But we sure had a BLAST!

The Chicken Coop

How AWESOME it must be to have chickens! I long for the days when I can have a chicken coop! SO COOL.

THE Coolest Swing

This is just about THE COOLEST swing on the planet!

Mountain Lion on the Loose!

The Pool's UP!

It's Summertime! Time for HOT days & cool, fun time in the pool!

The Lost Tooth Tea Party

Melanie & I had a tea party in recognition of her first loose/lost tooth. We had a chocolate coin (for her lost tooth), grapes & cherries. Oh! What a marvelous time!