Tuesday, March 10, 2009

I've Got My Hands Full!

Melanie mimics EVERYTHING. No matter if I say it to Duane, Kyle, Brownie, a cat, or her. Melanie can say A LOT! And it's not just words, she says phrases. Which I think is amazing. She's been saying 2 word sentences for quite sometime now, but it's the "phrases" that are throwing me for a loop! She's SMART.

Saturday, March 7, 2009

Vega Elemenatry All Star Choir

I don't think anyone knows this about Kyle, but several weeks ago Kyle joined his elementry school choir. Some of his friends were alreadyin the choir, and the choir goes on feild trips often. Those were Kyle's motives for joining. Since starting though he has come to love singing, performing and being apart of something very special. Here is a glimpse of Kyle's first concert. It was held at McKinney North High School. Vega performed with Collin County Choir, and Scott Johnson Middle school. We are so proud of Kyle. I actually got tears in my eyes (not a surprise!)watching him sing. It takes a lot of courage to perform and he was wonderful!

Friday, March 6, 2009

Texas Weather

This is what it looked like on March 5th,2008.

And this is what it looked like March 6, 2009.

CRAZY Texas weather!


She is just delighted with "If you're happy & you know it...!" Too cute.

Melanie In Pig Tails

I FINALLY tried to put Melanie's hair in pig tails and she looks SO CUTE, SO PRETTY!

Here's where Melanie had enough and pulled them out. Look at that grin...what a litlle stinker!

Melanie & The BIG Park Slide

Monday, March 2, 2009

Table & Chairs

Can you believe it?! I found this in front of someone's house, on the sidewalk! This table & chair set sat there all day on Friday. When Kyle came home from school I sent him down there to see if we could take it off their hands. (I sent Kyle because he plays with the kids at the house occassionally.) They said "Sure." So Kyle, his buddy Luke, Melanie & I walked down there to pick it up. Cool, huh? All it needed was a good bath. It was FREE!! And in good condition. It will be perfect for snacks, reading, coloring, painting, etc. Melanie seems to really like it. The best part about it...it was FREE, and in GOOD condition.

Babysitting Kate

Video of Melanie & Kate

I baby sat Kate on Saturday for Lori & Chad. Boy was it fun. I think Kate & Melanie had a good time together, how about you?