Friday, September 30, 2011

Melanie's Birthday Cupcakes

I really LOVE that Melanie wants to be apart of her birthday experience. She said she wanted pink cupcakes, white frosting with sprinkles. That's what we made. And she helped! It's so much fun when she participates. I love that we made them together!

Melanie's Birthday Dress

I really wanted to take a few pictures of Melanie in a cute, girly, frilly party dress. I undrestand not every girl wants to get dressed up like this, I'm one of them. However, it was just for a few pictures, NOT for the entire length of her party. And I told her that. But she was very adamant that she was NOT going to wear this dress, not for one HAPPY second. Well, I managed to get a couple decent pictures from her & when I went inside to get her some water she took it upon herself, wearing this dress, to roll herself in the dirt. HA, HA, HA!!! Oh my goodness!!! Thankfully I already took a few pictures. Ya know, I didn't realize she disliked the dress that much. She showed me.

Happy 4th. Birthday Melanie!

Melanie is such a smart, beautiful, funny, caring, loving, curious, bright, sweet girl. We are so proud of her. Time sure goes fast when you have children, but it's so much fun!
I"m so BLESSED to be able to stay@home with her. I don't feel like I've hardly missed a minute. Thank you Duane.

Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Kyle's First Cross Country Meet

Hooray for Kyle!!! He ran a 2 mile race against several other schools and cam in 95th out of 200. According to Kyle he doesn't know what his time is for the race, but he still did VERY well. I'm gonna guess it was about a 15 minute race for him. That is REALLY good for someone who only started running 4 days prior to that. GOOD JOB KYLE!
I wasn't able to be there but thatnks to DUANE, Lori, & our neighbor friend I have some great pics of Kyle & he had a great cheering section.

Kyle Joined Cross Country!!!!!!!!!!

How AWESOME is this...Kyle joins Cross Country!!?? I think it's SUPER GREAT. And he seems to be a natural. He wanted to try it, he did it & he's REALLY good at it. He's also lifting weights with the team twice a week. That is SO GOOD for him.
Super proud of Kyle, SUPER PROUD.

Oh Mr. Sun, Sun, Mr. Golden Sun...

Ahhh, the First Day of Fall...

In California I LOVED & really looked forward to SUMMER! In Texas, not so much. Fall is the way to go in this big-ol state. This is Melanie on our first Fall walk.

Sunday, September 25, 2011

Pre-School Pages

Doing Pre-School activities at home is so FUN! Watching Melanie learn & grow is so wonderful! I'm so grateful to have this opportunity to stay@home with her. It's so REWARDING and VERY COOL! One of the things that helps me realize we are doing the right thing, is that SHE IS SO HAPPY.

Homeade Cinnamon Rolls!

I made some REALLY DELICIOUS Cinnamon rolls with the help of my good friendly neighbor, Rebekah! There is NOT one ounce of sugar in them! They're made with Agave Nectar, and Honey and FRESH GROUND Spelt Flour. PRETTY COOL!
According to Duane, the guys at Sunstate enjoyed them, along with Melanie & Kyle. They were very hard work, but definitly DELICIOUS!
I realize these pics don't do my kids any justice in confirming the treat tastes good. Ha, ha, ha!!! Their faces say otherwise, huh! :) But, take my word for right ofter another, they kept asking "more cinnamon rolls, please?" And how can you say "NO."? They're not bad for you!

Melanie LOVES Dragon Fly

Lori, this video is for you! Ha, ha, ha!!! Smokey brought in a Dragon Fly, played with it til it died & left it on tyhe livingroom floor. Melanie saw it, immediatly picked it up, carried throughout the house, placed it in various "containers" ie; box, toy pots/pans. GROSS. She even sat on the couch with it and olaced it on a couch pillow becasue it was "watching t.v." with her.
Well, this video is for Lori because she showed me a video about a "girl who loved her squirl." Which is exactly the way Mlenaie behaved with this Dragon Fly.

Making Invitations for the PARTY!

I love that Melanie wants to do crafts. Making the invitations for her Birthday Party was a lot of FUN! And great practice for writing! Gosh, I can't believe she's gonna be 4!

He Hates It When I Take His Picture

Can you see the irritation just rolling off Kyle? Only when HE says I can take his picture can I grab the camera. This is obviously NOT one of those times! Ha, ha, ha!

Friday, September 23, 2011


Oh yes, thanks to my brother Joe, Kyle has experienced "THE HAND."!!! I remember VERY WELL when Tim used to do that to me & Aaron. He would torture us, then we would come BACK saying "Do it again Tim, do it again!!!" It was so much FUN! And just like Kyle's laughing hysterically, Aaron & I did too! SO MUCH FUN, what a good time!

Oh These Girls!

It's always so much fun at Aunt Lori's house!
And I would have had more video but my battery life ran out. UGH!

Sunday, September 18, 2011

Homeade Water Balloon-Seriously

Easy peasy homeade water balloon-HOW CHEESEY!
This really makes me laugh out loud when I watch it. How ghetto are we? Plus, just sitting there watching a video of Melanie filling up a Zip-Lock baggie is hilarious to me. You're just "waiting" for it to fill up. LOL!

Melanie & Brownie Share Cheese

This is a little cute & a little "ewww".


It's ME!

How's THIS for a look, huh? Nice. Ha, ha, ha!!! Melanie LOVES to take pictures. She's getting pretty good at it too. Her targets are just a little weird though. :)


Melanie is such a dork! She was actually trying very hard to be SUPER SILLY! And don't worry, in this video she did not get hurt. She simpley had to go potty and was trying to "walk it off."

Friday, September 16, 2011

Playing in the Rain

We got a tiny bit of rain. We took advantage of it! It was super nice!

Melanie Plays With Dough

We Made HOMEADE Bread!

Melanie and I had our first attempt at making HOMEADE CINNAMON BREAD! It was a flop! Turns out my recipe was a pretty complicated one, with many steps. And the recipe was DOUBLED, which I did not know! I had to keep scrapping the top off because it was over flowing my loaf pan! Ha, ha, ha!!!! :) AND, it tasted NOTHING like cinnamon. It was good, more like a pumpernickle flavor though. After we sliced it, we buttered it and ate. Kyle devoured it. Overall, it wasn't bad. Just wasn't what it was supposed to be.