Saturday, May 25, 2013

Wisdom From a 5 Year Old

I had this conversation with Melanie this morning...

As Duane leaves the kitchen towards the hallway I tell him, "I love you Dear." He comes my direction instead towards the living room & says "I love you too." And leans down (I'm sitting on the floor with Melanie) & gives me a kiss.

Melanie says "I love when you guys do that."

I said "What? Kiss?"

Melanie says with a shy little smile, "Yes."

I laugh & say "Why?"

Melanie says "Because it shows you are really good parents."

WOW. What a nice complement Melanie just gave us.

Friday, May 24, 2013

Lauren's 4th. B-Day Pics

This park IS AWESOME! We will definitely be coming back through out the Summer. Melanie & Lauren The Farmer & the Dell Melanie, Lauren & Kate. I can't believe how they have grown. See-Saw FUN Melanie & Lauren Splash Pad FUN!

Sprinklers ROCK!

In this house... We can not... Have enough... Sprinkler FUN!

Painting & Baby Sitting

I was super lucky to have the opportunity to help my neighbor out while she delivered a precious little girl & recovered from child birth. She baby sits a few children so she can stay at home with her little ones and I offered to help watch her full time kiddo so he didn't have to go to a strangers house. This is little Colby. We introduced him to painting. He totally enjoyed it! Melanie was such a good helper too. She seemed to enjoy his company most of the time. Melanie is painting an apple. I found these wooden shapes at Wal-Mart. He's painting a snail. These are SUPER cute! We turned them into magnets! Melanie also painted a snail. Colby took his home before I got a pic.

Mother's Day Bouquet

I don't know how I came up with this idea. But it is CUTE. It's a possibility I saw this in a magazine, but I changed a few things. I used a toilet paper roll as a vase and I added lil' pom poms as pollen. First you grab a t.p. roll and decorate it. Then you trace your child's hands on any color of construction paper & cut them out. Glue the pom poms. Add pipe cleaners for the stems. Gently fold the end of the hand cut out around the stem & staple. (glue didn't work) Cut the pipe cleaners to help the flowers fit in the vase. Take one piece of those cut stems & wrap around bouquet to hold. Enjoy your beautiful bouquet of your child's hand.

Thursday, May 23, 2013

Silly Camera Fun

I'm not very good at aiming a camera at myself!

Princess Party

We went to a Princess Birthday party for our neighbor & Melanie's friend Capri. It was so cute! Each girl had to wear her fanciest princess dress. It was a lot of FUN!