Monday, September 10, 2012

We LOVE America

We LOVE America, even if it isn't doing so well right now. We are very THANKFUL to be AMERICANS! The more I learn about our history the more appreciative I am that we live here. THANK YOU VETERANS. THANK YOU SOLDERS. THANK YOU FIRE FIGHTERS. THANK YOU POLICE OFFICERS. THANK YOU NURSES & DOCTORS. THANK YOU MR. PRESIDENT. THANK YOU PAST PRESIDENTS. Thank you very much EVERYONE for trying your best to make AMERICA the GREATEST place to live and be FREE. It's not an easy thing to do. Nor can you please everyone. Thank you. I bought this book from a REALLY great website It is SUPER FUN! The music ROCKS! Melanie really enjoyed doing the very first lesson. She learned about the American Flag, it's history, who designed it, and which states were the first colonies. She also learned about the colors of the Flag and what they represent. THE RED, THE WHITE, THE BLUE, BE BRAVE, BE FAIR, BE TRUE!

1 comment:

Mom said...

Melanie made a very nice early American Flag!