Monday, May 4, 2009

The Feel Good Book

Melanie has this book called "The Feel Good Book." It's a large, colorful, fun, animated book that talks about things in this world that make you feel good. For example:
"Giving a great big hug feels good."
"Crying when your sad feels good."
"Laughing when your happy feels good."
"Showing the new kid around feels good."
"Playing in a sprinkler feels good."
Well, I just love reading this book and sharing it with Melanie. It's a very calm, happy book to read to her before bed. So, I would like to share a few things in no random order, that make me feel good.
1. Reading a fun, animated children's book FEELS GOOD.
2. Cuddling with my kids FEELS GOOD.
3. Playing with my kids outside FEELS GOOD.
4. Greeting my husband when he gets home from work FEELS GOOD.
5. Having both my kids in bed at the same time FEELS REAL GOOD! It rarely happens.
6. Feeling the warm sunshine on my face while I'm outside FEELS GOOD.
7. Going for a long, brisk walk with my dog feels good.
8. Eating Peanut M&M's FEELS GOOD.
9. Petting my cats ears FEELS GOOD.
10.Learning how to do new things FEELS GOOD.
What are some of your Feel Good things? Have you ever stopped to think about them?

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