Thursday, January 16, 2014

We Planted A Tree

Several years ago our beautiful tree got infested with some type of bug that we could never get rid of. Last year we ordered a Texas Giant. It looked almost like a vine when we got it. It never seemed like it was actually growing. It was supposed to be a super fast growing tree. Although it did produce new leaves it never seemed to get taller. Well with Duane's Christmas gift money he decide he was going to get a "real" tree. Here is our beautiful Maple tree, an Autumn Blaze. We bought it at a local nursery after talking with them on a couple different occasions. Duane followed all their tips & advice. So this baby should grow! Our neighbor Mr. Tyler offered to help Duane plant it. After all, he said, he'll get part of the shade out of it. HA! Although I didn't get a very good picture, Kyle helped to dig the whole as well, giving Duane a break. I can't wait for it to sprout leaves! In the fall they'll have a mix of dark and bright red leaves. A beautiful tree. Ahhh, the satisfaction of a job well one! THANK YOU DUANE!

1 comment:

Mom said...

LOVE the picture of Duane at the end--all smug and smiling at a job well-done and completed! Love you all!