Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Sun Protector

I found this AWESOME Science book online at christianbook.com. It's Science Around the Year featuring different Science facts and experiments for each season. It's short & sweet & to the point with fun experiments. Just what a 4 almost 5 year old needs! This project was about sunscreen. And how melanin is our skin's protector against ultraviolet light. It also discusses how we NEED healthy doses of sunlight as well to keep our body strong. So our experiment was to take 2 white sheets of paper and punch a bunch of holes in it. Then place those white sheets on top of 2 red sheets. And place them in direct sunlight for 2 hours at the heat of the day. We were to observe the color of the red paper. The result was pink polka dots. The white paper acted as "clothes" protecting our skin for the sun's rays. Red pigment fades when combined with oxygen. It happens naturally over time and the process is sped up with bright sunlight. Cutting holes in the white paper allowed the sunlight to hit the red paper causing it to fade to pink. Pretty neat, huh?

1 comment:

Mom said...

Perfect experiment for a 5 year old, Michelle! What fun for Melanie.