Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Change her name or not to change her name-that is the question?

Since before Melanie was born I have struggled with picking out her name. Duane never wanted to discuss it, and when she was born I felt so much pressure to pick the most appropriate name. I feel like I have failed! Duane in turn suggested the name Melanie. Which I went along with because I didn't want to seem selfish. There is just something about her name that just doesn't quite work for me. I can't pin point it. It's anywhere from it sounding so childish-never grown up, too cutsie, and rhyming with "smellanie". I just don't like the name. I realize I have suggested changing her name at1 week of age to Kara Melanie McGurk. But, that didn't work out because her birth certificate would never be changed. And I didn't want her to go through her life having to explain her name change and filling out additional papers through out her life just because her MOTHER couldn't get it right. So it was never changed. However, this time I wouldn't change her name at all. We would simply call her by her middle name which is Sarah-and I LOVE IT! Believe it or not, I constantly call her Ms. Melanie Sarah all day long. So I'm sure she already knows that's her name.
So people, tell me what you think. Should this very pretty girl be Melanie or Sarah? OR should I make the LEGAL name change to Kara Melanie McGurk?


Anonymous said...

Don't change her legal name, perhaps you can discuss it with Duane and start calling her Sarah. Everyone is use to the name Melanie, and I know several adults with the name Melanie, and they are quite adult and responsible. MOM

NoJo said...

Connor (my 2nd born) doesn't have a middlename. I wanted is MN to be Andrew, after my babay brother who died. My husband didn't. So Connor has no middle name (Brian and I are both stubborn). Connor (13) knows this story and our debate over his name. He has decided when he's older he wants to change his name legally to have Andrew as his middle name. So maybe tell her the story of her name and let her make the choice when she's older.

And there's nothing wrong with calling her by her middle name.