Here is Melanie enjoying her Jumperoo!
This BLOG is a window into our life for our family & friends that can't always be with us to see our ever changing world.
Saturday, April 26, 2008
My MAN of the House
WHAT AM I THINKING wanting to change my daughter's name? My husband picked out her name. MY HUSBAND! The MAN of the house-MY MAN OF THE HOUSE. My Man, my husband, has a job, a good job. He goes to work every single day, 5/6 times a week, comes home each and every night, attends to our kids needs, my needs, takes out the trash, washes my car, mows the lawn, helps with the dishes, the laundry, etc. Duane is very caring, hardworking, loving, respectful, dependable, kind, gentle, honorable, dedicated, patient, sweet, smart, fun, generous man. He's a fantastic husband-doesn't even watch football or any other sport, he's a great Dad. I can't begin to tell you how LUCKY I am. My husband provides very well for our family. So well as a matter of fact, I get to STAY HOME with our children. So, how DISRESPECTFUL, shallow, and selfish can I be to want to change our daughter's name? Without him I wouldn't even have Melanie in my life. Sometimes it takes me a while to catch on to things, and I lose perspective on important matters..but I FINALLY caught on! I WILL NOT be changing Melanie's name. My husband picked it out with a lot of love, and good intent. He compromised on her middle name of Sarah, and I need to do the same. Melanie Sarah is a sweet name, and my Melanie sure is SWEET!
I love my husband Duane, and I sure am lucky, honored, and happy to be married to him.
The Potty Song
I have been working on my "Potty Song" for the last 10 years. Thanks to my very inspirational children and my niece Kate, I have FINALLY finished it! Yeah me! It's to the beat of "Twinkle Twinkle Little Star".
Tinkle tinkle in the potty.
Use the TP to wipe my hinney.
Pull up my pants,
Flush the commode,
Wash my hands,
Lets hit the road.
Tinkle tinkle in the potty,
Look at me, I'm a BIG GIRL Mommy!
I also have my own Good Night Song. It's to the beat of "Row Row Row Your Boat".
Go go go to sleep
Gently in your bed.
Nightie nightie nightie night,
Sweet dreams are just ahead.
Tinkle tinkle in the potty.
Use the TP to wipe my hinney.
Pull up my pants,
Flush the commode,
Wash my hands,
Lets hit the road.
Tinkle tinkle in the potty,
Look at me, I'm a BIG GIRL Mommy!
I also have my own Good Night Song. It's to the beat of "Row Row Row Your Boat".
Go go go to sleep
Gently in your bed.
Nightie nightie nightie night,
Sweet dreams are just ahead.
Tuesday, April 22, 2008
What is in a NAME?
The name Melanie means BLACK.
The name Sarah means PRINCESS.
The name Kara means PURE.
The name Ethan means FIRM; STEADFAST.
The name Kyle means HANDSOME.
The name Timothy means TO HONOR GOD.
Kyle's original name was supposed to be Ethan. But, when he was born he didn't resemble and Ethan to me. Thank goodness I was able to think of a new name BEFORE I left the hospital. I love Kyle's name. He is handsome, and he does honor God!
Melanie on the other hand is not black. She is definitely white, and pure. I'm not too big on the "princess" idea for little girls. I believe that if you call them your "little princess" they will turn into a "royal" pain in the @$$! Melanie doesn't have any princess themed stuff, toys, blankets, etc. And we don't refer to her as our princess.
I had my tubes tied after she was born. She will be my last baby. My last off spring, my last child. My last. I want her to have the most perfect name, just like my son has.
I feel like this is so difficult. My husband hates the name Sarah. I hate the name Melanie. But, if I legally change her name to Kara-which is my first choice, I have to change everything in her life. And then remind everyone her "new" name over and over and over again for the next 6 months. What is a Mom to do?
I know I'm pathetic people. I know. Can you beleive I'm loosing sleep over this? PATHETIC!
The name Sarah means PRINCESS.
The name Kara means PURE.
The name Ethan means FIRM; STEADFAST.
The name Kyle means HANDSOME.
The name Timothy means TO HONOR GOD.
Kyle's original name was supposed to be Ethan. But, when he was born he didn't resemble and Ethan to me. Thank goodness I was able to think of a new name BEFORE I left the hospital. I love Kyle's name. He is handsome, and he does honor God!
Melanie on the other hand is not black. She is definitely white, and pure. I'm not too big on the "princess" idea for little girls. I believe that if you call them your "little princess" they will turn into a "royal" pain in the @$$! Melanie doesn't have any princess themed stuff, toys, blankets, etc. And we don't refer to her as our princess.
I had my tubes tied after she was born. She will be my last baby. My last off spring, my last child. My last. I want her to have the most perfect name, just like my son has.
I feel like this is so difficult. My husband hates the name Sarah. I hate the name Melanie. But, if I legally change her name to Kara-which is my first choice, I have to change everything in her life. And then remind everyone her "new" name over and over and over again for the next 6 months. What is a Mom to do?
I know I'm pathetic people. I know. Can you beleive I'm loosing sleep over this? PATHETIC!
Change her name or not to change her name-that is the question?
Since before Melanie was born I have struggled with picking out her name. Duane never wanted to discuss it, and when she was born I felt so much pressure to pick the most appropriate name. I feel like I have failed! Duane in turn suggested the name Melanie. Which I went along with because I didn't want to seem selfish. There is just something about her name that just doesn't quite work for me. I can't pin point it. It's anywhere from it sounding so childish-never grown up, too cutsie, and rhyming with "smellanie". I just don't like the name. I realize I have suggested changing her name at1 week of age to Kara Melanie McGurk. But, that didn't work out because her birth certificate would never be changed. And I didn't want her to go through her life having to explain her name change and filling out additional papers through out her life just because her MOTHER couldn't get it right. So it was never changed. However, this time I wouldn't change her name at all. We would simply call her by her middle name which is Sarah-and I LOVE IT! Believe it or not, I constantly call her Ms. Melanie Sarah all day long. So I'm sure she already knows that's her name.
So people, tell me what you think. Should this very pretty girl be Melanie or Sarah? OR should I make the LEGAL name change to Kara Melanie McGurk?
So people, tell me what you think. Should this very pretty girl be Melanie or Sarah? OR should I make the LEGAL name change to Kara Melanie McGurk?
Melanie's 1st. Workout Video
Alright ladies, let's do some leg lifts. You can do it, feel the burn. AND KEEP IT GOING.
Apparently, all the walking my neighbors and I do is paying off. Melanie is enjoying her own daily workout.
Apparently, all the walking my neighbors and I do is paying off. Melanie is enjoying her own daily workout.
Backyard Fun
Monday, April 21, 2008
Random Pics
These are just random photos.
BIG Brother Kyle feeding his sister. They are so cute together, so special.
Melanie is attempting to scoot backwards. I love how she lifts her leg off the ground as if she is doing leg exercises.
Melanie playing in her Jumperoo. How cute is the bandana?
ORANGES, ORANGES, ORANGES...What is it with Melanie & Oranges?
I love my new blocks Grandma, thank you.
Melanie loves her Koala Bear that Kyle and I made for her at the Build A Bear Workshop when she was still baking in my tummy.

BIG Brother Kyle feeding his sister. They are so cute together, so special.
Melanie is attempting to scoot backwards. I love how she lifts her leg off the ground as if she is doing leg exercises.
Melanie playing in her Jumperoo. How cute is the bandana?
ORANGES, ORANGES, ORANGES...What is it with Melanie & Oranges?
I love my new blocks Grandma, thank you.
Melanie loves her Koala Bear that Kyle and I made for her at the Build A Bear Workshop when she was still baking in my tummy.
Sunday, April 20, 2008
A Relaxing Day in the Bath
This is Melanie in her new bath. She LOVES it. She has gotten too big for her "baby bath" and really need the extra room for "lounging", splashing and playing. As you can tell...this is a GOOD BUY! Definitely worth the 30 minute drive to Babies R US in Plano, and back.
Kyle and the Rip Stick
This is one of the videos of Kyle riding his NEW,IMPROVED,COOL Skate Board...ACTUALLY-it's called a Rip Stick. He's pretty good at it. I am also very proud of Kyle. He bought this with his own money. As most of you know he has an endless supply of toys. Some of which he no longer uses-which is normal. So yesterday we had a yard sale and Kyle used that $ to purchase his Rip Stick. And with the help of ME-his MOM, he bought it on sale! Yeah for us!
Sunday, April 6, 2008
Babywearing Easter Celebration

My sister had an Easter celebration in her community. It was so much fun. I was able to use my new baby sling, the "mei tai" to carry my daughter around while attending to my son and his friend playing all the games. It was so much fun. Melanie was too small for the Easter egg hunt, too young for the games, and food, so "wearing" her was the best way to keep her involved with all the festivities. She really enjoyed being close to me and seeing the sights from a safe, secure view. It was a community event, meaning that there were a lot of people there, and using a stroller on the grass & maneuvering through the crowds would have been quite hectic. I'm so happy I have the opportunity to "wear" my baby. She's quite the happy baby and I think part of her happiness is her due to her comfy, secure mei tai.
Tuesday, April 1, 2008
Happy Easter
Well, I realize these photos are a bit late, but...HAPPY EASTER!
We went to Lori's house for an Easter celebration. It was so much fun! Melanie looked so sweet with her sun hat. Kyle brought his best buddy Isaac and they had an Easter egg hunt, played games, ATE CANDY, colored eggs, and played with the babies! Everyone had a great time. Thanks to Lori and Chad for making Lasgna, garlic bread and salad. We had so much fun!
Melanie's 6 Month Check
I can't beleive it... Melanie is 6 months old! How fast time fly's. She's sitting up all by herself. Sometimes eating solid food. She has tried banannas, apples, rice, oatmeal, & avacado. But, she definitly prefers breastmilk. She has started sleeping 8-10 hours a night without waking and continues to take her 3 one hour naps during the day. She's growing like a weed and is a very happy, silly baby. Melanie can also recoginize (2) signs- "ALL FINISHED" and "MILK". Thank you so much Lori!
Weight- 15 lbs. 9.5oz.
Length- 25 1/4 in.
Head Circ.- 16 3/4 in.
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