Monday, October 13, 2014

Bumbo Seat For Children With Down Syndrome

The Bumbo Seat is very controversial. Most people either love it, or hate it. Regular ole moms, OT's and PT's alike, can't decide if it's the greatest thing since sliced bread or detrimental to a babies well being. Although the leg openings could be a little wider to accommodate those babies on the husky side, the ability of the seat to assist Sean in sitting up and being involved in our world a little easier vastly outweighs that minuet discrepancy. So, as of right now, I'm leaning towards lovin' it!  Just look at the alignment of his body now compared to the previous post. He has the ability to use his hands to reach for toys all while using his core. At first he was a little wobbly, but never falling over like I've seen others doing in videos. I think he is at the right age and was ready to start making this transition. We have been using other methods for sitting him up to slowly build up his stomach and back muscles so this is a good time to introduce the Bumbo Seat. About 10/15 minutes every hour or two throughout the day and he's good. I'm sure he'll be sitting up before we know it!
And by the way, I would never actually advocate a container for a baby because babies will learn to sit up no matter what.  But in Sean's case we definitely thought he could benefit from it.  :-)

1 comment:

Lori said...

I used a bumpo with Ryan. We liked it!