This girl LOVES rock-n-roll music! I took her to the Dr. for her very late Well Check and when the nurse was shinning a light in Melanie's eye Melanie sang out "I'm blinded by the light!" HILARIOUS!
Weight: 39lbs, 6oz.
Height: 3'5 1/8"
She's a healthy girl!
This BLOG is a window into our life for our family & friends that can't always be with us to see our ever changing world.
Monday, January 30, 2012
Saturday, January 28, 2012
No More Dance Class
Wednesday was Melanie's last dance class. We'll start swimming lessons on Tuesday & Thursday! HOORAY! CAN NOT WAIT! She's gonna totally love it! She was already starting to swim on her own this past Summer. Hopefully that stuck with her & these formal lessons will just send her on her merrily swimming way!
Kyle's Basketball Game-Scott Johnson-v-Highland Park
I FORGOT MY CAMERA!!!!!! Can you beleive that? UGH! I did get a few pics on Duane's phone but he hasn't had a chance to upload them to the computer. When he does, I'll post 'em!
I don't remember the score, but Johnson didn't win. BUMMER! Maybe next week! GO......TIGERS!
I don't remember the score, but Johnson didn't win. BUMMER! Maybe next week! GO......TIGERS!
It is super hard for me to keep up with my New years Resolution of trying to blog a post every day instead of saving it all for the weekend. Sorry people. I just don't give myself enough computer time-I'm enjoying my family & sleeping a lot more! :) HA!
But I do really have an excuse.....I am having major computer problems. One day the computer works, the next it doesn't. So although this is a day the computer is working, at the same time it is NOT. I don't have access to my videos! I have more to show you guys via video. So lets keep our fingers crossed & see if the comoputer works tomorrow.
We have also come to the understanding that I will no longer be using the desktop computer for blogging. It's too unpredictable. I'll start using the laptop this week.
So...wish us luck!
But I do really have an excuse.....I am having major computer problems. One day the computer works, the next it doesn't. So although this is a day the computer is working, at the same time it is NOT. I don't have access to my videos! I have more to show you guys via video. So lets keep our fingers crossed & see if the comoputer works tomorrow.
We have also come to the understanding that I will no longer be using the desktop computer for blogging. It's too unpredictable. I'll start using the laptop this week.
So...wish us luck!
Cookie Time!
Ella came over on Thursday and helped Melanie & I bake chocolate chip cookies! We had a ton-o-fun! And they are delicious!
Sunday, January 22, 2012
LOOK What We Found!
I took Melanie to a consignment sale to look for clearenced winter clothes and this is what I bought instead. We found Beast! Actually, it's the prince with the Beast costume. It's in like new condition, still in the origional box and it cost $6.99! PLUS, I had a !0% off coupon! What a dealio! Hoorray for Beauty & the Beast!

Thursday, January 19, 2012
Kyle's Basketball Game-Dennison
Scott Johnson Tigers played against Dennison. The Tigers were SO CLOSE to winning! They made the first few baskets early on in the game but just couldn't keep the momentum. They played AWESOME though! They're a really good team, just need more practice considering everyone on the team is new to "team basketball". I'm so proud of Kyle. He gets a lot of play time & seems to really enjoy himself.
Melanie's New Doll
Melanie & I went to the thrift store on Tuesday. We LOVE to shop there for books & occassionally toys. Well, I think we found a treasure! I found a brand new, in the box, Belle Doll, from Beauty & the Beast for $6.00, plus 30% off! Normally we wouldn't buy this type of doll just yet because of Melanie's age. However, it is BELLE, not an actual Barbie. Melanie's face just lit up when I showed the doll to her & she has been playing with it constantly. She did mention, "Now if I just had a doll house..." Hint, hint Mom & Tim! LOL! :) The doll house is going to be a HIT!
The thrift store had about 6 Barbie's, brand new, in the box, & one Ken doll. I was tempted to buy a couple of them, but maybe next time.
By the way, I looked this particular doll up online, & it's selling for $23.87 on AMAZON. It's the Disney Sparkling Princess Belle Doll. WHAT A DEAL!!
The thrift store had about 6 Barbie's, brand new, in the box, & one Ken doll. I was tempted to buy a couple of them, but maybe next time.
By the way, I looked this particular doll up online, & it's selling for $23.87 on AMAZON. It's the Disney Sparkling Princess Belle Doll. WHAT A DEAL!!
Melanie & Alex
Alex had Melanie stand on the back of his tricycle while he peddled down the grass. It looked like a ton-o-fun! They seem to really enjoy it!
Happy Birthday Duane!
Happy birthday Duane!
You are an AMAZING father & husband. Thank you for your love & devotion to our family. WE LOVE YOU!
We celebrated Duane's birthday with a yellpw cake, white frosting, with Reeses pieces & peanut butter cups on top. We also went out to eat at the Olive Garden. Delicious! It was a nice evening.
You are an AMAZING father & husband. Thank you for your love & devotion to our family. WE LOVE YOU!
We celebrated Duane's birthday with a yellpw cake, white frosting, with Reeses pieces & peanut butter cups on top. We also went out to eat at the Olive Garden. Delicious! It was a nice evening.
So sorry its' taken so long to post. I don't have access to my pics on my desktop computer! Something is REALLY funky on that computer. We put our most recent pics on a our laptop so I can try to start our family blog again.
Friday, January 13, 2012
This Is January?
Oh yeah, I'm REALLY enjoying this nearly 70 degrees and sunny weather here in TEXAS! So far NO SNOW this January! HURRAY! And jsut look at how these girls get to play outside! PERFECT.
For a week Melanie has been quite out of it. Last Thursday she was vomiting and lethargic. She got a little better on Friday, but was still LOW on energy. Then off and on throughout the weekend she would vomit and want to sleep. FINALLY, yesterday (Thursday) she was back to her spunky, silly, happy-go lucky talkative self! Hurray my Melanie is back!Yesterday on our way to Lori's house I said "Melanie I sure am glad you're feeling better and are back to yourself. I was missing you!" Melanie said "You thought I was a different Melanie!? MOM!
I thought that was the cutiest response!
I thought that was the cutiest response!
Father/Daughter Dance
Just look at how Duane beams as he looks down at Melanie! I don't think anything can bring a smile to a man's face quite like their little girl.
Wednesday, January 11, 2012
Sunday, January 8, 2012
Melanie's Dance Class
On Wednesdays Melanie will be going to a combonation dance class. A mix of ballet, jazz & hip-hop. Her teacher has so much patience! Her name is McKayla & she is so sweet & very good with the kids. Melanie was of course a very social butterfly & wanted to be everyone's friend. She was also a bit of a clown. Oh, she was a riot! LOL! If she didn't understand what she was supposed to do, or didn't know how to do something she would just fall & say "oh, I'm not really good at this." By the end of the class though I think she understood that all she had to do was follow the teacher's instructions & she would learn a dance routine. All in all it was a super fun class! I really enjoyed watching Melanie. She just made me smile & everyone laugh! She had a fabulous time too! At the end all the kids got to pick a candy from the candy jar. And as a little girl was leaving Melanie shouted out "Rachael, what's your phone #, where do you live?!" Rachael is the girl Melanie is holding hands with in the video. They hit it off really well. Maybe we'll exchange #'s this week.
Friday, January 6, 2012
Melanie Started a Dance Class!
Every since Melanie's hair was long enough she would VERY RARELY let me pull her hair back or do anything with it. The last few weeks Melanie has started putting her hair in her mouth, which is really gross. I was determined to figure out how to get her hair out of the way. She'll let me braid it!!! Doesn't she look beautiful!? These are the pics of her about an hour & and a half before we needed to leave for her first dance class. She was very excited!
UGH! It's THAT Kind-o-Day.
So, Melanie started vomiting last night. Didn't stop til nearly 1:30 AM. She got up about 5:45 AM drank some water-threw it up. It's nearly 6:30 AM & she's back asleep. Hopefully, when she wakes this time she'll be ALL BETTER. And as I'm writing this post-Brownie comes to me with her hair standing straight up all over her back, her face swollen & hives all over her under body. What is going on? I gave her an allergy tablet. Hopefully when she wakes up she'll be better too. I'd be pretty bummed out if I had to take a vomitting child to a vets office. LOL! :)
Don't mind Brownie's fatness-belly-rolls-she's just "swollen" from whatever caused her to swell up. Ha, ha, ha!!! :)
Don't mind Brownie's fatness-belly-rolls-she's just "swollen" from whatever caused her to swell up. Ha, ha, ha!!! :)
Kyle's Basketball Game-Scott Johnson Tigers-v-Cockrill Cowboys
Tuesday night Kyle's school played against Cockrill. Johnson lost. But, they're still imoproving! Every game they seem to get better with the defense. They're always shooting for the basket but their aim seems to be off. I hope they win one this season. IT WOULD BE AWESOME! I'm glad the young men are having fun. And Kyle seems to really like it. He's doing very well. GO TIGERS!
Don't mind Melanie's treachery. She loves all things dress up!
Don't mind Melanie's treachery. She loves all things dress up!
Thursday, January 5, 2012
The Best of Friends
Are thse girls just the cuteset of friends!? I'm so glad Melanie & Ella have each other to play with. They seem to really enjoy each other's company.
Lap Top
We bought a lap top just after Christmas so that we could have a bit more computer freedom & so Melanie could start playing a few computer games. She is REALLY enjoying it! This idea origionally started because at our local library they set up 2 computers with tons-o-learning software in the children's area. Melanie quickly became intersted in them and has enjoyed them every week we go to the library. So Santa Nana Sylvia & Santa Papa Paul got her some computer games for Christmas & Melanie is on a roll! Thank you, thank you, thank you.
Wednesday, January 4, 2012
Sunday, January 1, 2012
Merry Christmas 2011!
We were in Marshall, TX for Christmas this year. It was fun, we all had a great time. Christmas this year seemed HUGE! Melanie got tired of opening gifts and took about an hour break. She resumed when my bro Joe & his family came over.
Some of the pictures are from a couple days before Christmas with Kyle, Melanie & Ella decorating cookies. Other pics are of Christmas Eve-Kyle checking out the gifts, Kyle & Melanie dancing to Christmas music. It was a really nice few days.
And there's nothing like the spirit of Christmas to remind you of those that are far away. We sure missed you Mom & Tim, Paul & Sylvia, Linda, Lisa & Wes, Sayde & Logan! I hope you guys all had a very Merry Christmas!
Some of the pictures are from a couple days before Christmas with Kyle, Melanie & Ella decorating cookies. Other pics are of Christmas Eve-Kyle checking out the gifts, Kyle & Melanie dancing to Christmas music. It was a really nice few days.
And there's nothing like the spirit of Christmas to remind you of those that are far away. We sure missed you Mom & Tim, Paul & Sylvia, Linda, Lisa & Wes, Sayde & Logan! I hope you guys all had a very Merry Christmas!
Happy New Year! 2012
Happy New Year family & friends! 2012 is sure to be great, I FEEL it!
I don't think I've ever felt compelled to make a New Year's Resolution before, until this year.
For me, finding computer time long enough to upload pics to my computer & blog them is tough. I seem to have to do it in stages which turns out to take DAYS. This year my resolution is to try to be more organized in my computer time and try to post ONE blog per day. The way it works now is I wait to upload my pics until the memory card is nearly full. Then I scan through them, organize them and think of blogs. Then I try to blog TEN or so in a weekend. THAT is NOT effecient. And it BUGS me as I'm sure it bugs you blog followers. I mean GEESH, how long have you been waiting to see the Christmas blog? It's been a week! Luckily it will be posted today! Plus, in the rush to "blog", I always forget cute pics or video and have to back track.
So 2012 is my year for my BLOG REVOLUTION! Horray!
Oh, and don't forget to vote for RON PAUL. 2012 is his year too!
I don't think I've ever felt compelled to make a New Year's Resolution before, until this year.
For me, finding computer time long enough to upload pics to my computer & blog them is tough. I seem to have to do it in stages which turns out to take DAYS. This year my resolution is to try to be more organized in my computer time and try to post ONE blog per day. The way it works now is I wait to upload my pics until the memory card is nearly full. Then I scan through them, organize them and think of blogs. Then I try to blog TEN or so in a weekend. THAT is NOT effecient. And it BUGS me as I'm sure it bugs you blog followers. I mean GEESH, how long have you been waiting to see the Christmas blog? It's been a week! Luckily it will be posted today! Plus, in the rush to "blog", I always forget cute pics or video and have to back track.
So 2012 is my year for my BLOG REVOLUTION! Horray!
Oh, and don't forget to vote for RON PAUL. 2012 is his year too!
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