Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Lily, Melanie's Friend

Melanie has a friend , Lily, whom no longer lives on our street. We've known her for nearly a year, but have just recently gotten to know her. Prior to her moving back to New York with her Mom, Dad, & twin baby brother's, Lily spent some totally fun time with Melanie. Lily came over to our house a few times & hung out while her parents packed. They played so well together. It was really neat to be able to say "Melanie has a friend over." They played in her room, in her cottage. Had snacks. Played pretend. Melanie having a friend over was so different than "baby sitting". It was like they were becoming true friends for life. I hope one day they'll catch up with each other. It is very sad to see Lily & her family go. We will miss them!


Anonymous said...

What a wonderful video, Michelle! So cute! You should get their New York address so they can keep in touch! Neither one can write at this point, but they could exchange drawings, crayola pictures, etc. Keeping in touch has to start somewhere! Love you, MOM

Anonymous said...

Too cute!
-Beka =)