This BLOG is a window into our life for our family & friends that can't always be with us to see our ever changing world.
Thursday, December 23, 2010
Melanie Just Wants to Have FUN!
Wednesday, December 15, 2010
LOOK! I'm In a Picture!
It's Christmas Time!
Decorating the tree, ornament making and next comes making cookies. I can't wait! We took Melanie to see Santa on Monday night. She didn't want to sit with him. She only wanted to talk with him. He tried coaxing her but she refused. She only told him what she wanted for Christmas-a Box, a towel & a doll house. Then she walked away & off to dinner we went.

Monday, December 13, 2010
Best Cousins!
Everytime these girls get together they have such a great time. It's like they're sisters, or best friends or BEST COUSINS! I'm so glad they have each other.
Sunday, December 12, 2010
Wednesday, December 8, 2010
Milkie Pie Dance
Although some people disagree with breastfeeing a three year old, they might still find this lil dance & request cute & silly. I know I do!
Barbie Jeep Blues
We bought this off of our neighbor whose daughter was too old for it. We thought it would be a good birthday/Christmas gift for Melanie. But she doesn't seem to care for it. The age recommendation is 3 and up. I think 3 is just a bit too young. It requires a lot of coordination which some 3 year olds just don't have. Oh well. Maybe she'll grow into it.
Tuesday, December 7, 2010
Kyle & the kids on the street made up this pretty cool game on 1 windy evening. They call it either Bag Darg or Drag Bag. Anyway, so much FUN! I even tried it. You start running at one end of the street against the wind, let your bag fill up and let it go! You then have the pleasure of chasing it! That's where the real fun begins. Sometimes they do get snagged in a tree, in somone's back yard or on the roof. But, eventually with the wind it all comes back to you! I just thought it was very creative. We really live on a great street with lots of neighboring families getting out & using their imagination.
And don't you just love Melanie-she looks like a "bag lady" dragging her bag around with her cart!
And don't you just love Melanie-she looks like a "bag lady" dragging her bag around with her cart!
Friday, November 19, 2010
Our Thankful Tree
1,2,3-JUMP to Kyle!
LOVE IT when they play together! This kind of stuff ALWAYS puts a smile on my face!
Painting Train
Sunday, November 14, 2010
Push-Up Craze!
Since Kyle is totally into push-ups, Duane showed him a "new" way to do a push-up. Can anybody guess what movie this song is from?
Thursday, November 11, 2010
L, H, O, L, H, O- Melanie can write the letters L, H, O!
I think she can write more than that but L & H are her favorites!
I think she can write more than that but L & H are her favorites!
Wednesday, November 10, 2010
It's a Poo Poo Dance!
Hurray for Melanie-she's going poop in the potty! For a while she was still holding her bowels and then having explosions in her underwear. But since Saturday she's been going on the potty of her own requests! Duane called me at work to tell me "I took Melanie to go pee on the potty then she said "I'm not finished yet..." and he heard plop, plop! How exciting! I've even experienced the excitment up close! How FUN, huh? We're SUPER PROUD!
Monday, November 8, 2010
Happy Halloween
Halloween was super fun this year! Kyle chose not to dress up & go trick or treating. But it worked out well. He wanted ot pass out candy! So Duane & I took Melanie around our street with our new neighbor family. They have a 2 year old named Capri, she was a chicken. Melanie & Capri shared Capri's wagon. It was a lot of fun.
We didn't have ton of trick or treaters this year so we have tons of candy left. That's O.K., were eating it!
We didn't have ton of trick or treaters this year so we have tons of candy left. That's O.K., were eating it!
Scooter Time!
Giddy UP!
The #1 thing I LOVE about Wal-Mart is the the arcade/ride section in front of the store! Melanie REALLY likes this place too. They seem to always have a fun ride waiting after our hour and half grocery tour around the store. In the actual arcade section they still have Dumbo, but now they have this HORSE in the front where the baskets are! It plays the Lone Ranger Song! It's totally FUN! You'll see in this video that Melanie is starting to become embarrassed. I'm not sure if it's embarrassment of me because I totally dig this ride & people can see her riding (which doesn't make sense because she's not shy) or if she's embarrassed for some other reason. Either way, HOW CAN THIS BE? She's only 3! Am I really that bad??? Ha, ha, ha!!!

Saturday, November 6, 2010
The "Perfect" Push-Up
Kyle is really into "push-ups", therefore, Melanie is really into "push-ups". Sometimes Kyle tries to act like a drill sergeant and will tell Melanie "Push-Up time-drop and give me 100!" It's pretty funny!
Friday, November 5, 2010
Water & Kids-They Just Go Together!
Thursday, November 4, 2010
The worst night I've ever spent was last night. We tried to get Melanie to sleep in her own bed. I can't tell you how horrible a parent I feel. She scream, cried, yelled, talked ALL NIGHT. After a full 4 hours of her pleading tantrum she eventually fell asleep for SHORT periods at a time. Then she'd just scream herself awake. She has a STRONG WILL when she REALLY wants something. She never gave up. She's also has been holding her bowls for the last several days. Let me just say that THAT is NOT fun. I'm not looking froward to tonight.
Tuesday, October 19, 2010
Yard of the Month!
We got yard of the month! I'm not exactly sure what that means, but we got it! Someone put the sign in our yard and we're supposed to be getting a gift card of some sort in the mail! Our yard has drastically improved since we moved here. Duane & Kyle have been very diligent in the lawn/weed care/control. And our Happy Halloween decorations are simple, yet cute & welcoming. So I guess if you put it all together people like us get yard of the month. Pretty cool!
Happy Halloween from the Hunt-McGurk household to YOU!

Happy Halloween from the Hunt-McGurk household to YOU!
Happy Halloween From Brownie
Since taking Brownie to the our new vet she has slowly improved. The vet was very aggressive with Brownie's treatment causing Brownie to get back to near normal in just a weeks time. Hooray! Her smell is turning normal again (as normal for any dog!), she's not itching nearly as much, her skin isn't as scaly, and her fur is soft & on it's way to growing back. I'm so thankful for that! Thanks Mom for sending Brownie her Get Well/Happy Halloween Bandannas & Hat! She's quite adorable and annoyed! Ha, ha, ha!!!

Monday, October 18, 2010
Exercise & Vitamin D
And what better way to be healthy than to exercise outside in the sun & get Vitamin D all at the same time!
Vitamin D
Lori wants to write a children's book one day. One day, I hope to have my children's songs published. I'm always making them up. It's such a great way to learn! Here's my latest: (put a lil banjo twang in it when you sing it!)
The Vitamin D Song
Vitamin D, Vitamin D
It comes from the sun and it's good for me.
Vitamin D, Vitamin D
It gives ya strong bones and really strong teeth
Vitamin D, Vitamin D,
Vitamin D is good for me!
The Vitamin D Song
Vitamin D, Vitamin D
It comes from the sun and it's good for me.
Vitamin D, Vitamin D
It gives ya strong bones and really strong teeth
Vitamin D, Vitamin D,
Vitamin D is good for me!
Melanie Was Born to Entertain
She LOVES to sing and dance!
Here, she's singing a song from Barney:
Snackin' on healthy food is what we like to do
Eating apples, oranges, carrots and some celery too
Nuts-n-cheese & some of these and a glass of fruit juice too!
Here, she's singing a song from Barney:
Snackin' on healthy food is what we like to do
Eating apples, oranges, carrots and some celery too
Nuts-n-cheese & some of these and a glass of fruit juice too!
Thursday, October 14, 2010
Tuesday, October 12, 2010
Go Feed the Bear!
Kyle and Melanie have a game they play where Kyle is a bear and he's going to eat Melanie. Melanie LOVES this game! She goes to feed the bear bamboo and Kyle comes out ready to "eat her!" It's great! She loves the chase, she loves the interaction, she loves when he "pops out" to scare her. She loves the game!!! In this video Melanie is trying to feed the bear a Bamboo crayon.
I love that they get to play with each other now! Melanie looks forward to Kyle coming home from school. She really looks up to him and has a lot of fun with him!
I love that they get to play with each other now! Melanie looks forward to Kyle coming home from school. She really looks up to him and has a lot of fun with him!
Melanie's 3 Year Well Check
Melanie's Well Check went Smooth. Her Dr. had her go through an array of activities to show her her strength and flexability. She really enjoyed it! Then Melanie wanted to show off to him that "MY BIG BROTHER KYLE taught me how to be "STRONG!" And on the exam table, Melanie laid on her tummy and did a push-up! Oh I wish I would have had a camera! Dr. Reyes laughed and clapped and was quite impressed!
Here's her STATS-
Weight-32 lbs.
Height-37 & 7/8 inches tall (possibly going to be about 5'6 inches)
Over all health-EXELLENT!
Here's her STATS-
Weight-32 lbs.
Height-37 & 7/8 inches tall (possibly going to be about 5'6 inches)
Over all health-EXELLENT!
It's Fall, Ya'll!
I'd show you pictures of colorful falling leaves, or dried, crunchy leaves in heaps but that's not going to happen in my yard. I don't have a tree anymore! So here's a few pics of Melanie helping to decorate for Happy Halloween. Three years ago she didn't know this cat exsisted. Last year she was a araid of it at first & then tolorated it. This year she wants to "play" with it! Next to making a Jack O Lanturn it's her favorite part!

Saturday, October 9, 2010
Poor Brownie
My poor dog! She is SO ITCHY! Her skin is scaley, dry, flakey, & smelly. The vet keeps saying she has allergies & a fungal infection. She's been on antibiotics and antifungal meds twice each now. She's had perscription shampoo. Over the counter shampoo. Coricosteriods shots. Benadryl is ineffective. Now she's losing her hair in some areas. She's got crusty, dry skin around her eyes, on her nose and now all over her ears. She has gradually gotten worse over the last 3-5 months! I'm having Duane take her to a new vet today for a second opinion.
I've been up with her since 3AM helping her "itch" herself & prevent her from chewing herself to death. Her ears were so itchy she kept shaking her head to flap her ears and dug her head into the bed/carpet to scratch the sides of her head.
You know that Brownie doesn't feel very good when Melanie's "rough" touch actually feels good.
I've been up with her since 3AM helping her "itch" herself & prevent her from chewing herself to death. Her ears were so itchy she kept shaking her head to flap her ears and dug her head into the bed/carpet to scratch the sides of her head.
You know that Brownie doesn't feel very good when Melanie's "rough" touch actually feels good.
Wednesday, October 6, 2010
Little Boy Blue-Smokey Bear
My father Joe gave Melanie a book of nursery rhymes for her birthday. It's set up to where he recorded himself "reading" to her. She seems to really enjoy it. Although every time I get out the camera to video her looking/listening to it she runs away. But at least she's memorized Little Boy Blue and is reciting it to Smokey. It's super cute!
A New Car (Say it like you're on a game show!)
So my Suzuki is only 3 years old, had only 28,000 miles on it but it was a JUNKER! So instead of continuing to pour money into a car that isn't going to last the life of our loan, we decided to try to do a little research & figure out what is a safe, good quality, long lasting, comfortable, roomy car. Nearly 2 weeks ago we started this process. I test drove a Ford Expedition with the thought that it's big, bulky, safe & roomy. NOT!!! It is big, bulky and gas guzzling! For an SUV that "looks" huge, it sure didn't have much more leg & elbow room than my Suzuki. It was just longer & taller. If I had the 3rd. row seat up there was the same amount of room for trunk space as my Suzuki. Very disappointing. Then there was the Toyota Sienna-yeah a MINI VAN! AWESOME!!!!!!!! Very safe, very comfortable, seats 7 people-REALLY-with plenty of leg room. How do we know? Duane rode in the 3rd. row! It's comfortable, drives well, roomy, and safe. Unfortunately, the one we wanted to buy had a tire recall on it. So needless to say we didn't get that one. On the way home from the Toyota dealership we just happened to stop by the Honda dealership. I test drove a Honda Odyssey-pretty good. I had some seat issues during the test drive-couldn't quite get comfortable, felt like I was driving a bus. So we went home & thought about it. Duane followed up with the Honda man & they offered to let us use it for a time like it was ours so that we could be fully informed about our decision. I took it to the library, went to the grocery store. Duane drove it a little & discovered the "cool" seat adjustment button!!! Duane adjusted the seat, I got in adjusted it a little more & what do you know...I didn't feel like I was driving a bus!!!!! This is by far the COOLEST MINI VAN ON EARTH!!!!! I didn't know Mini Vans have come this far! If I did, we would have bought 1 a LONG TIME AGO! Automatic everything, Captain's chairs in the middle row-more room for Kyle & Melanie, 3rd. row seating with leg & elbow room (even for adults), and trunk space-don't even get me started! Leather seating, DVD player, hidden Lazy Susan for storage, dual A/C controls-I'm 75 degrees, Duane is 62! This Mini Van has EVERYTHING! I LOVE IT! And guess what's a HONDA. It's safe, durable, long lasting and has no record of a recall, and the BEST part-the monthly payments is over $100.00 CHEAPER per month than the Suzuki!!!!
I'm sure there's more "cool" stuff to tell you, but this is all I can remember!
It really does pay to research before you buy & to sleep on it!
2007 Certified Honda Odyssey
78,000 miles
Has new Tires, new brakes
Bumper-to-bumper with everything in between & around covered warranty

I'm sure there's more "cool" stuff to tell you, but this is all I can remember!
It really does pay to research before you buy & to sleep on it!
2007 Certified Honda Odyssey
78,000 miles
Has new Tires, new brakes
Bumper-to-bumper with everything in between & around covered warranty
Sunday, October 3, 2010
A Box?
There's nothing more FUN than getting a BOX for your birthday! Thank you Mom & Tim for supplying the kitchen that came with the box. She LOVES the box
(&the kitchen too!)
(&the kitchen too!)
Aunt Lori, You're So COOL!
Trampoline's are too much FUN! I'm glad my sister is able to jump for joy with Kate & Melanie! Stay COOL Lori, stay COOL!
Thursday, September 30, 2010
Melanie 3rd. Birthday Pictures
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