Saturday, October 9, 2010

Poor Brownie

My poor dog! She is SO ITCHY! Her skin is scaley, dry, flakey, & smelly. The vet keeps saying she has allergies & a fungal infection. She's been on antibiotics and antifungal meds twice each now. She's had perscription shampoo. Over the counter shampoo. Coricosteriods shots. Benadryl is ineffective. Now she's losing her hair in some areas. She's got crusty, dry skin around her eyes, on her nose and now all over her ears. She has gradually gotten worse over the last 3-5 months! I'm having Duane take her to a new vet today for a second opinion.
I've been up with her since 3AM helping her "itch" herself & prevent her from chewing herself to death. Her ears were so itchy she kept shaking her head to flap her ears and dug her head into the bed/carpet to scratch the sides of her head.
You know that Brownie doesn't feel very good when Melanie's "rough" touch actually feels good.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I'm glad you're getting a second opinion, Michelle. Your vet doesn't seem very effective with Brownie. I hope her skin improves--I hate to see her suffer! MOM