This BLOG is a window into our life for our family & friends that can't always be with us to see our ever changing world.
Saturday, January 24, 2009
Belly Button Dance
Melanie has known about her BELLY BUTTON for quite sometime. But, now it seems she can't get enough of it. She's always poking at it and at mine. This girl is way too cute!
Friday, January 23, 2009
Saturday, January 17, 2009
Well, yesterday I received my first paycheck! Whoo hoo! So today Kyle & I went to the movies. Something we haven't done in a very long time. And it was a movie we both REALLY wanted to see. We spent $6.50 to see "Hotel for Dogs." What a great movie! Kyle & i both enjoyed the movie, but I really enjoyed having one on one time with him. It was a good time, and well worth the six dollars. I've decided that for each one of my pay periods, we will take a portion of my check so we can all go out & have a family day. Afterall, that's why I went back to work, part-time anyway. Here's how Duane & Melanie spent spent the day. Here are a few cute pics of Kyle & Melanie.

Thursday, January 15, 2009
Happy Birthday Tim
Happy Birthday Tim! I just want you to know that I think you are a GREAT Dad. I'm very lucky that you have been apart of my life. I'm so glad you got to hear Melanie say "Papa" on your Birthday. Here are a few pics of Melanie trying vigorously to text you "Happy B-day", and trying to call you from her cell phone! He, he, he! Is this what I looked like as a teenager talking on the phone? And is this what my future holds with Melanie? Ugh Oh!

Super Hero!
Bath Time Fun
If you listen carefully, and turn up your computer, you may hear Melanie "toot, toot!" It will happen as she stands up in the bath, then you'll hear us all laugh.
Tuesday, January 13, 2009
Saturday, January 10, 2009
Harley Is Back!
After a very stressful day of wondering, worrying, crying, praying, & hoping, HARLEY has come home! She didn't really come willingly either. Let me tell you about this cat:most people that meet Harley automatically think she is retarded. She just looks that way. And that seems to be the kind of cats I come across too-all my animals have a story. But Harley is NOT retarded. She is quite a sweet little cat-most female cats are not, she enjoys being loved on, she purrs like you wouldn't believe-hence the name Harley. She is an extraordinary hunter. She hunts for pleasure, to eat, or to bring us gifts. When we lived in California she would catch gofers almost daily, which made Duane very happy. She has an endless amount of patience. I have only seen 1 other cat have as much patience as Harley when interacting with children. If there is a big group of children playing outside Harley wants to play too-well she just wants their attention! I found Harley when i was 19 years old at my apartment complex. I was on my way to the pool when I spotted this teeny, tiny black ball curled up on bottom step of stairs. I said "Kitty, kitty." I wasn't quite sure what it was. She lifted up her head, her eyes barley opening, ears all tweaked. When I came closer I could see her fur was greasy, she was so tiny and she was just a baby. Of course I had to rescue her! It was the dead of summer outside, she was so small she probably would have died from dehydration. There were 4 apartments to knock on, I went to all of them. Only 1 was home-and did not claim her. So I did. I took her straight up to my apartment, gave her a quick bath, some wet cat food, water and the best home a cat could possibly have. She moved back home with me and became a sister to Kyle when he was born. Now she's all grown up and a playmate for Melanie. I love this cat, I was heartbroken yesterday. When we saw her poke her head up from the sewer-ugh, it was a MIRACLE! I asked my neighbor to watch Melanie, told Kyle to grab Brownie, and I ran down the street to the sewer calling her name. Of course I scared the crap out of her, and she jumped back down! But I just kept calling her name, she meowed at me, I put my arm/hand down there to touch her, she rubbed up against my hand and I grabbed her by the back of the neck. I pulled her up and she was in my arms! I quickly took her into our house, examined her, loved her and she purred. She didn't leave all night last night. In fact she slept with us all nigh, which is something she doesn't normally do. She's a night cat. And now she's irritated because I'm on the computer telling her story instead of making her breakfast! Oh it's nice to have Harley home, I don't feel empty anymore!

Friday, January 9, 2009
Harley Is LOST!
Tuesday, January 6, 2009
I Got My Kyle Back
Kyle's HOME! His flight was 45 minutes delayed, bring him in at about 11:20. We didn't get home until after midnight, and I had to go to work the next morning. NICE. Anyway-doesn't even matter...I GOT MY KYLE BACK HOME! He had a smooth fligh-there and back, & a good time with his Dad & extended family. Sunday while I was at work he played ALL day with his buddies from down teh street. Everything from the Wii, to his bike ramp, to a game of pool/air hockey. A very fun full day. I'm glad he's home and happy. Here's a few pics. of my handsome kid.

Monday, January 5, 2009
It's COLD in Texas
Bunny Love
This figurine is from our neighbors yard. Everytime she sees it she says "Hi!" and starts waving. Melanie just adores this bunny. She can't get enough of it.
Saturday, January 3, 2009
Kyle's Coming Home
Just wanted everyone to know-Kyle is coming home today!!!!! Whoo hoo! I have missed my kid. I love cell phones-we've been texting each other-a lot and talking on the phone. When I was little girl and I had to fly to Louisiana to visit Joe, I probably could have called my Mom and (Dad)Tim as much as I wanted to from the land line. Believe me I got very home Mom around, no Tim around, not cats around, no friends around. You're just "visiting" people twice a year that barely know you and you them. & I was gone longer than 5 days! But thinking back, a land line doesn't seem as accessible. Kyle has a phone in his pocket...he can call WHENEVER he feels the need. Since he's been gone we've probably talked about 3-4 times a day for several minutes. He's even emailed me! I can't quite tell if Kyle is getting home sick, missing me, or just ready to be back in a familiar setting so he can play with all his new toys from Christmas and hang out with his buddies. Maybe he's experiencing all of it. I know I'm missing him-it just feels WEIRD to have my son away, in a different state, with people you don't know so well, for 5 days. Although being away from each other is probably very healthy and normal, 5 days is long enough...I'm ready for him to be back. Even Duane said "3 days is sufficeint enough." We'll be picking him up from the airport tonight around 10PM. Lets hope & PRAY his plane isn't delayed, he has a safe flight, and we have a safe drive home.
Career Woman...AGAIN
Alright people, I'm trying it again. This Sunday I will attempt to go back to work, again. This time though I will be working for the same home health company I worked with before and during my pregnancy with Melanie. There is a case in Plano that needs a nurse on Sundays for 12 hours-so I think that's right up my ally. Melanie won't have to be in daycare-Duane & Kyle will be home with her, I don't have to travel very far-short drive, and we get extra money-whoo hoo! It seems as though all the plus's are there. I'll be home during the week to be the "Good Wife/stay@home Mom" and I'll only have to work 1 day a week on Sundays. Lets hope this all works out people. It sure would be nice to have that extra money around for when the next hot water heater breaks! Besides, I want to make a trip to California this Summer, so we'll need some dough to that. I think this will work out, yes I do.
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