My neighbor and friend Rebekah offered to "trade toys" for about a week in the hopes that our babies would test out the toys and be surprised when they get their original toys back. Seems like a good idea. Well, Melanie traded her slide for this rocking dog. I think it's a good trade. Every time we go to Rebekah's house to play with Alex this is the toy Melanie seems to enjoy the most. Maybe when she gets tired of the Rocking Dog she'll be excited to have her slide back. Thanks Rebekah, Melanie's having a BLAST.
This BLOG is a window into our life for our family & friends that can't always be with us to see our ever changing world.
Wednesday, December 31, 2008
The Rocking Dog
My neighbor and friend Rebekah offered to "trade toys" for about a week in the hopes that our babies would test out the toys and be surprised when they get their original toys back. Seems like a good idea. Well, Melanie traded her slide for this rocking dog. I think it's a good trade. Every time we go to Rebekah's house to play with Alex this is the toy Melanie seems to enjoy the most. Maybe when she gets tired of the Rocking Dog she'll be excited to have her slide back. Thanks Rebekah, Melanie's having a BLAST.
Where's Kyle?
Where oh where oh where is Kyle? Where oh where oh where is Kyle? Where oh where oh where is Kyle? Where can Kyle be?
Just thought I'd let everyone know Kyle is in Colorado. He's visiting his Dad who just got back from serving in Iraq. Kyle flew on Frontier airlines yesterday and will be back in Texas on Saturday night. He was a little nervous about flying alone, it's only his second time, but he braved it like a MAN and got through it. He's a tough boy, and growing up so fast. So far he's having a GREAT time and I'm sure that will continue. There's lots for him to do out there. Along with visiting his Dad, he'll also see his Uncle Will, and Grandma Celia. It's good to have and know family.
If by chance Kyle sees this from Celia's computer-"Hi Kyle! I love you and I miss you. And so does BROWNIE! Have fun."

Just thought I'd let everyone know Kyle is in Colorado. He's visiting his Dad who just got back from serving in Iraq. Kyle flew on Frontier airlines yesterday and will be back in Texas on Saturday night. He was a little nervous about flying alone, it's only his second time, but he braved it like a MAN and got through it. He's a tough boy, and growing up so fast. So far he's having a GREAT time and I'm sure that will continue. There's lots for him to do out there. Along with visiting his Dad, he'll also see his Uncle Will, and Grandma Celia. It's good to have and know family.
If by chance Kyle sees this from Celia's computer-"Hi Kyle! I love you and I miss you. And so does BROWNIE! Have fun."
Melanie's 15 Month Check-Up

Alright everyone, Melanie is 15 months old...WOW. Although this is not the best picture of her I believe it fits. She's been crying due to her appointment and it's just about nap time. Here are her STATs.
WT: 20 LBS. 9OZ (14% tile)
HEIGHT: 30 1/4 IN. (41% tile)
HEAD CIRC: 18 1/8 IN. (52% tile)
Melanie is growing well and thriving. I mentioned to her Dr. that Melanie is a VERY picky eater only eating when she "feels like it". Dr. applauded us for continuing to breastfeed and said "babies that are exclusively breast fed are generally "picky" eaters until breast feeding is done." And "not to worry because she is getting all the nutrition she needs." So far so good & he'll see Melanie for her 18 month check.
Tuesday, December 30, 2008
Life In a Band
Kyle received a Wii from Paul & Sylvia for Christmas, WOW what a FUN GAME! So Duane & I bought Kyle the Rock Band 2 video game to go with it. There's a microphone, a guitar, and a drum set. SO MUCH FUN!!! Of course I'm so great at singing that I use the microphone, Kyle and Duane switch between the guitar and drums and it looks as though Melanie will be following in my foot steps! Our favorite song to play along with is THE EYE OF THE TIGER, by Survivor. Too much FUN!! Thanks Paul & Sylvia.

Sunday, December 28, 2008
Original Smokey Video!!!
Alright, here it is. The Smokey video. I don't know how or why I was able to download it, I don't even care...I have FINALLY downloaded this video! Yeah me. Now I hope you all enjoy it. It's fairly long, but worth it.
Kyle Using His Christmas Gift-Ramps
Here's a Christmas gift Kyle received from Santa. He's pretty good on it!
Smokey & Melanie
Here's a video of Melanie & Smokey. It's not the original one. However, I was able to catch melanie & Smokey again & upload it. Definitly NOT as cute as before, but I'm sure you understand what a GREAT companion Smokey is.
What A Very Merry Christmas!
I am so sorry this post is late. We have been very busy since Christmas Day. And with Melanie not sleeping well during the day or night I can't seem to get anything done. She must have POST Christmas excitment! Anyway, we had a very nice Christmas morning with jsut the 4 of us, plus our animals. Kyle made out like a bandit-like always. Melanie didn't suffer either. And I just want to THANK EVERYONE THAT GAVE DUANE AND ME MONEY OR GIFT CARDS FOR CHRISTMAS!!! THANK YOU. OUR HOT WATER HEATER JUST BROKE ON SATURDAY AND WE WERE ABLE TO FIX IT WITH THE HELP OF YOUR GIFT CARDS!!! You have no idea how much that is appreciated. Well, take a look at our photos & I hope everyone had a Merry Christmas. By the way, another reason why BLOG updates are taking so long is that I'm TRYING to upload video & it's NOT working-UGH. I vow to get it fixed today. So Tim, if you're reading this be expecting a call!

Wednesday, December 24, 2008
Kyle & His New Hair Cut
Check out Kyle's "New" haircut! He looks SHARP! Normally Kyle gets a haircut with the buzz clippers, no scissors. Yesterday I bargained with him to try something "New". We NEVER chew gum at our house, so I bribed him with a pack of gum. Any kind of gum he wanted. He took the bribe and chose Hubba Bubba bubble gum. And it turns out Kyle likes his hair cut. Damn I have a GOOD LOOKING KID!

Merry Christmas Eve
Kyle has been home all week from school. We have had a very good time Christmas shopping, grocery shopping, and making cookies! It was nice to be at home with both kids this week. As you can imagine Kyle is VERY EXCITED about Christmas!!!!! Today we are finishing up our baking, going to a Christmas service at church, then heading over to my sister's house for a Christmas Eve dinner. I hope everyone has a very Merry Christmas, stay safe, be healthy, and enjoy your day.

Sunday, December 21, 2008
SMOKEY-What A Great Cat!
Well, blog followers, I had an AMAZING video of Melanie with Smokey in the baby carriage. But, for some reason YOUTUBE, GOOGLE VIDEO and ONE TRUE MEDIA, won't let me download it. Bizarre. Anyway, here are some pictures instead. Believe me, these pictures do not give the whole picture of the interaction between Melanie & Smokey. The video is absolutely priceless.

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