Thursday, March 5, 2015

Sean Has Learned To Babble!

Six days shy of turning one, Sean has had two breakthroughs!
  1. He has learned to BABBLE!  Most babies start doing this between 4 and 6 months.  Sean is nearly one year.  So, in addition to his growling "Ahhhh ahhhh!" sound he can now do "Bababababa."  We have even heard him do a few "GAH!"  And I swear just yesterday as Melanie also witnessed, we are pretty sure we heard a "MA!"
  2. Sean slept through the night for the first time!  In the past Sean would wake nearly every 2 hours and I would have to pump in between.  Then he gradually went to every 3 or 4 hours.  But just recently he slept through the night: going to sleep about 7:30 and waking at 5AM for a bottle.  But it doesn't even really matter because I still get up at least once to pump any way at 2:30AM.
Baby Sean babble video from last week...

More Baby Sean babble video from last week...

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