Look how ALERT he already is!


AHHH Dada time.

Just watching the world go by.

AHHH, Mama milkie pie pillows. Had to cover part of them up for the pic and prop up his head.

Do you know how difficult it is to do skin to skin with your baby an NOT give him your boobie? Talk about learning self control.

Look at those poor lil feet. The syringe was to flush out his pick line, I believe.
Oh Michelle, how is PRECIOUS!!! Congrats to you guys!
OOOO!How PRECIOUS!!! I love the pics!! Duane looks so happy to be able to hold Sean finally, and Sean looks so content too! Michelle you have got to be estatic!!!So nice to see the family together and enjoying the moments like these! Thank you for taking the time in you really busy schedule to blog these! Your amazing! Take care, stay safe, and know you are all loved and thought of, see you soon, mom p. xoxoxoxo
Aw, sweet baby. Hang in there, Mama's bringing you home soon!
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