Tuesday, March 18, 2014

March 17, 2014 Update

I saw my sweet lil baby Sean today. Surgery requested him to have a suppository to help his poopie move along since he is having bowel sounds. Sometime between Sunday & Monday he did have a poop! According to the Dr. this is pretty much surgery's game field. And they are next wanting to have the nasal tube taken out. Which is a super great thing. Then surgery will want to test Sean's tummy with either a small dose of pedialyte or mama's milk. If he can tolerate that without vomiting and aspirating I think the game plan is to start a feeding schedule. Everyone-friends, family, strangers please pray that the first food he gets is NOT pedialyte. Please pray the surgeon will have good knowledge of mama's milk: how gentle it is on a baby's tummy-easily digested, full of amazing healthy properties that only a mama can make specifically to her child. Please pray the surgeon will be understanding that I am his food supply-and I want it that way. It's God's way. Please pray that if they do try pedialyte that I don't become the angriest mama you have ever seen. Please pray I have self control, I keep my composure to not cry and get hysterical. Please pray that I WILL be calm, God's strength be upon me and he gives me the knowledge and guidance to say and do what is BEST for Sean's benefit so I CAN persuade the surgeon to let me try breast feeding instead. Please pray that this team of professionals taking care of my baby while he recovers will SEE and KNOW that the breast IS best and my milk WILL help Sean to recover. And no matter what fluid Sean gets, the most important thing is that he doesn't vomit it back up or aspirate. Please pray Sean's body absorbs it and tolerates it and wants more of only what his mama can give him. - -We also have an appointment with a genetics Dr. this morning. Please pray that goes well also. Thank you friends and family for all your help, encouraging words, meals, clothes, prayers, smiles, groceries, just all the help that you all have given us. I appreciate each and everyone of you.

1 comment:

B said...

Wow, that is a LOT of milk!!