Kyle may have even appreciated it!
This BLOG is a window into our life for our family & friends that can't always be with us to see our ever changing world.
Friday, August 27, 2010
I Don't Want Kyle to Go!!!!
I'm not sure if this was a "show" or if she was truely going to miss her brother. Either way, I thought it was cute!
Kyle may have even appreciated it!

Kyle may have even appreciated it!
Dress Up Time!
Melanie is getting into dress-up! I'm not much of a "dressy" person. I don't have a whole lot for Melanie to choose from. I'm gonna have to start hitting-up some yard sales & thrift store to see what I can find for Melanie. And if you have anything you're willing to part with to donate to her "dress-up box" she would LOVE IT! Shoes, jewlery, clothes, hats, scarves, costumes, glasses, etc.-ALL would be welcome!

Wednesday, August 25, 2010
New Room for a New Year
Kyle didn't want his futon bunk bed anymore. We sold it on craigslist and gave him back his origional full size bed. Duane, Kyle & Melanie put the head board on & rearranged the room on Sunday. It looks totally GREAT!!! Definitly looks like a young man's room and not a little boys anymore. Don't worry guests-o-mine, we're getting a queen size to replace the full in our extra room!

Tuesday, August 24, 2010
Melanie Started School TOO!
Kyle started school & so has Melanie! 5 minutes here, 5 minutes there. Slowly but surely we'll get into some sort of routine of "organized" learning. It's gonna be FUN! Melanie really enjoyed setting up our year round calender yesterday. Everyday we will check it out, grab the appropriate # for the day of the week (#'s learning), talk about what day it is (learning days of the week), review the month & season that we are in. I don't know if we'll actually "discuss" the weather, but we'll see.
Sunday, while at work,I made a weekly Lesson Plan for her. This week we'll focus on tracing letters A & B, tracing #'s 1 & 2, learning to color inside a picture, & some kind of Art project-painting, glueing, & or cutting something. And working with Playdough-which I soon hope will be MOON SAND! Melanie can already write the letters "H", "L", & "N". So, we'll keep going. We're not going to do anything fancy or formal. We'll just turn some of our play time into "organized" play time.
I'm so excited to be doing this with Melanie!!! I can't wait to see how much she learns!

Sorry about the shadowed pictures. We set this up under the bar.
Sunday, while at work,I made a weekly Lesson Plan for her. This week we'll focus on tracing letters A & B, tracing #'s 1 & 2, learning to color inside a picture, & some kind of Art project-painting, glueing, & or cutting something. And working with Playdough-which I soon hope will be MOON SAND! Melanie can already write the letters "H", "L", & "N". So, we'll keep going. We're not going to do anything fancy or formal. We'll just turn some of our play time into "organized" play time.
I'm so excited to be doing this with Melanie!!! I can't wait to see how much she learns!

Sorry about the shadowed pictures. We set this up under the bar.
Melanie & Brownie Waiting For Kyle
Kyle's First Day of School
Kyle's First Day as a Middle Schooler went off without a hitch!! He woke-up to his alarm clock at 6:30AM, took a shower, & watched a Hannah Montana Show. I made breakfast for Kyle, Melanie & me-pancakes, bacon, sausage, & fruit. We ate together at the dinning room table. After breakfast, Kyle put the finishing touches on his morning routine and had a 40 minute wait before it was time to leave for school. Ha, ha, ha!!!
Duane came home from work to accompany us on Kyle's first day. We walked into Scott Johnson, and were told to go to the gym to get a new schedule & wait. After getting his revised schedule (which was the same), we asked Kyle, "Do you want us to stay so that we can see you to your locker & or first class?) Kyle "shh'd me & told me "NO! You can go, you can go, you can go!!!) LOL!!! So we went. No pictures on the first morning of middle school.
But Kyle had such a great day that when we went to pick him up he said "Do you want to go back inside now so I can show you I can do my locker and you can get your pictures?" What a GREAT offer, huh?! Of course, I wouldn't be embarrassing NOW because the school would be EMPTY! LOL! So we DID IT! First afternoon middle school pictures. I'll take it!
Happy First Day of Middle School, Kyle!
Duane came home from work to accompany us on Kyle's first day. We walked into Scott Johnson, and were told to go to the gym to get a new schedule & wait. After getting his revised schedule (which was the same), we asked Kyle, "Do you want us to stay so that we can see you to your locker & or first class?) Kyle "shh'd me & told me "NO! You can go, you can go, you can go!!!) LOL!!! So we went. No pictures on the first morning of middle school.
But Kyle had such a great day that when we went to pick him up he said "Do you want to go back inside now so I can show you I can do my locker and you can get your pictures?" What a GREAT offer, huh?! Of course, I wouldn't be embarrassing NOW because the school would be EMPTY! LOL! So we DID IT! First afternoon middle school pictures. I'll take it!
Happy First Day of Middle School, Kyle!
Monday, August 23, 2010
Today is THE DAY!
Today is the BIG DAY!!! Kyle starts Scott Johnson Middle School! He is SUPER excited!!! Kyle will be riding his bike to school most days. It's about a mile ride both ways. Not too bad. Last week Kyle & I took a bike ride there & back. It took about 10 minutes. Then he went with his 2 buddies-Dylan & Luke 2 more times! He's become so proactive this Summer-mowing lawns to make money, trying to find "his" style while school clothes shopping, & wanting to know the route & timeline to & from school. I'm so proud of him. He's really changing. Walking that fine line of boy & young man. That's a hard transition. He sure has been a sticker several times over the this past year, but I think I'M FINALLY STARTING TO UNDERSTAND. It took me a while, but I am FINALLY remembering being on that fine line. Kyle & I will work through it-this is OUR YEAR!
On Sundays a church worships in the cafeteria of Scott Johnson. So yesterday Duane took Kyle to the school to practice his locker. Duane said everyone ushered them into the cafeteria, & they made a B-Line for the exit into the hallway to find Kyle's locker! LOL!! Duane was able to get video on his phone of Kyle figuring out his combo. He did it 8 times without problems!!!! Duane showed him how to do it, Duane was patient & encouraging & Kyle did it! Just what Kyle needed-practice, time & patience. Duane is SUPER GREAT! And that is 1 less thing for Kyle to worry about or feel awkward about on his first day of school. What a relief, huh.
I will be taking him to school this morning (he wants me to!). He's letting me bring my camera today & I get to take pictures of him. He's proud to be in middle school!
I wish you luck Kyle! I hope you have a GREAT day! I'll be thinking about you throughout the day hoping you're having FUN!!! I'm proud of you & I love you!
On Sundays a church worships in the cafeteria of Scott Johnson. So yesterday Duane took Kyle to the school to practice his locker. Duane said everyone ushered them into the cafeteria, & they made a B-Line for the exit into the hallway to find Kyle's locker! LOL!! Duane was able to get video on his phone of Kyle figuring out his combo. He did it 8 times without problems!!!! Duane showed him how to do it, Duane was patient & encouraging & Kyle did it! Just what Kyle needed-practice, time & patience. Duane is SUPER GREAT! And that is 1 less thing for Kyle to worry about or feel awkward about on his first day of school. What a relief, huh.
I will be taking him to school this morning (he wants me to!). He's letting me bring my camera today & I get to take pictures of him. He's proud to be in middle school!
I wish you luck Kyle! I hope you have a GREAT day! I'll be thinking about you throughout the day hoping you're having FUN!!! I'm proud of you & I love you!
Monday, August 16, 2010
Future Track Star???
Melanie set-up this course all by herself! Will she be a sprinter that can hurdle? She's definitly going to be taller than me, thanks to Duane. Her long legs just might take her over those hurdles! Pretty exciting! I couldn't do the hurdles, don't have the strength for jumping. I have the endurance for distance.
In the second video, she's holding an empty medicine bottle...hurdles & relay runner? LOVE IT!!!
In the second video, she's holding an empty medicine bottle...hurdles & relay runner? LOVE IT!!!
My Toddler & Oatmeal?
Feeding the Ducks
Quite the Fisherman!
Kyle has turned into quite the FISHERMAN!! Just take a look at this TURTLE Kyle caught at Town lake in McKinney! The turtle was VERY interested in Kyle. He kept swimming up to him, ducking back under water, & swimming back. He did this several times. I think he was enjoying Kyle's bait falling off the hook! Ha, ha, ha,!!! But 1 piece never made it off the hook & he/she attacked and got caught! It was VERY scary and neat all at the same time! Thank goodness we were able to get the hook out without too much trouble, thanks to some very clever pliers! Crazy turtle!!
What a very cool and positive hobby Kyle has, with or without his buddies!

What a very cool and positive hobby Kyle has, with or without his buddies!
Friday, August 13, 2010
Wednesday, August 11, 2010
Kyle's Starting Middle School!!!
Yesterday I took Kyle to Scott Johnson Middle School. We turned in all his regristration forms and picked up his class schedule & school supplies. He was assigned a locker with a combo lock. I think THAT IS COOL! I never had a locker except for P.E.!
After several tried and failed attempts at the combo lock we went browsing around the 6th. grade floor. I took Kyle to all of his classrooms and back to his locker. Then he lead me to them.
Kyle is quite EXCITED to be in middle school. I'm excited for him and sad. I just can't beleive it...CRAZY!
Anyway, I don't have a picture to put up. He didn't want me to take one. but, here is a picture of him fishing.
After several tried and failed attempts at the combo lock we went browsing around the 6th. grade floor. I took Kyle to all of his classrooms and back to his locker. Then he lead me to them.
Kyle is quite EXCITED to be in middle school. I'm excited for him and sad. I just can't beleive it...CRAZY!
Anyway, I don't have a picture to put up. He didn't want me to take one. but, here is a picture of him fishing.
Thursday, August 5, 2010
Wednesday, August 4, 2010
Ringling Bros. Circus
Here are the still pics I took at the circus. I hope to provide you guys with the video I have-IT'S AWESOME!!!!!
Tuesday, August 3, 2010
Kyle's 12th. Birthday Pics.
Monday, August 2, 2010
Where's Kyle's B-Day Pics, the Lake, & the Circus?
I'm trying desperatly to download/upload all my video & pics from Kyle's birthday day...they are all being VERY stubborn. and are NOT helping. Please be patient, I'll figure it out soon.
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