Saturday, July 23, 2016

Sean Feeds Himself for First Time (June 22) Age 2

It's very trying having Sean initiate feeding himself. Part of him just doesn't get it. Another part of him is content with being fed by someone else. Then you have the choking factor; so you have to find food easily picked up by his hands which isn't too small or too big. Which that in it's self is a challenge because he lacks the coordination or gross motor skill to pick up small objects using the pincher grasp. There's a lot going on in these pictures. But, I found something he liked! A CHIPS AHOY cookie, snack size. IT IS AWESOME. Not only does it help with his "biting" technique because it's crunchy, but it kind of "melts" in the humidity of the air and his moist mouth. It's also small enough to grasp in his hand or use pincher grasp. This is his first chocolate chip cookie. Sean isn't that interested in sweets but this seemed to work.


Mom said...

This is amazing, Michelle! Something to write up in his baby book!

Unknown said...

You have wonderful instincts Michelle. It would seems God has given an exceptional child to an exceptional Mother ( and family )