Tuesday, April 14, 2015

Random Acts of Kindness

Our Pastor challenged us this past week to put ourselves out there in the world a little more for strangers and do a good deed for someone. Although we genuinely try to do something nice for someone or find a way to serve others regularly it was nice to be encouraged to branch out and try something else/new. Our family did 3 things. This is one of the things we did... We made cards inviting people to Friend Day at our church on April 26th. We bought gift cards to three places : Walmart, Race Trac, and Chick-Fil-yet and put them inside our cards and left the cards on peoples cars. Melanie and I had so much fun making these cards and running to the different venues to purchase the gift cards. The cashier at the Race Trac Gas Station asked when I was buying the cards, "Giving these to some family members?" I said "No, just random people." He was taken aback! He said "Oh, well that's nice." I think it really surprised him that someone was doing something like that. His comment made Melanie and I feel even more excited about what we were about to do. :-) I'm glad our pastor challenged us. It was a really neat experience.


Mom said...

This was really special, Michelle! How nice that you included Melanie!

Lori said...

How fun!