Friday, September 26, 2014

I Love You Like Crazy Cakes (My Friends Blog) MUST READ!

You've gotta check out this BLOG! My sweet friends down the street are adopting a cutie patutie lil girl from China (picture of sweet girl is on their BLOG!)! And they need YOUR help. Adoption is not cheap. Adopting a child from China is life changing. Nearly all of the children that are given up have some sort of special need of some kind. When you see or know of someone adopting from China, know that they have truly been called by Our Lord Jesus Christ to rescue the fatherless. It's hard work. It's taxing emotionally and physically. But it IS worth it. Adoption is worth the price. Even if you have to fundraise the WHOLE way. But, saving a life is priceless. Giving a child a FOREVER FAMILY IS PRICELESS. My friend Alli, just like my friend Rebekah last year, has a HUGE heart. Help Support them. Buy a t-shirt. Wearing this shirt is a walking advertisement of your support for adoption, and your belief in rescuing the Fatherless. How COOL is that? Help this little girl come home to her FOREVER FAMILY.
And if you head on over to Eternal Treasures (the link is to the right), you'll find a GIVE-AWAY on Rebekah's blog when you show your support for Alli's adoption! YAY!

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