Friday, February 14, 2014

Pregnancy: Week 34

TWINS or NO TWINS?  Enquiring minds wants to know.
Possible reasons why I am:
1. I'm measuring quite large for my gestational age. 45 cm. I should be 34-36 cm. And I'm not what you'd call a "big girl."
2. I had a 5 pound gain in 2 weeks.
3. My midwives think they can hear two un-synched heartbeats on opposite sides via both fetoscope & Doppler.
4. I do not have gestational diabetes.
5. I do NOT have excess amniotic fluid.
6. According to the midwives, there is a distinct divide on my baby bump from left to right indicating 2 bodies, with a head (baby A) trying to engage in my pelvis, but slightly off to the right. Which may suggest there is another body part (Baby B) lying slightly beneath baby A and to the left preventing it from getting in. And by the way, I felt baby's head-they showed me how and I FELT MY BABY'S HEAD. That is so neat & weird! I knew I had a baby body part off to the right side. When I squat down, try to stand from sitting or put my legs beneath me while sitting on the couch I can feel that something is in my way. Pretty neat huh!?
Possible reasons why I am NOT:
1. Second heartbeat unconfirmed.
2. In the past my midwives have said they can feel just one baby.
3. My gut tells me there is only one.
4.  I'm measuring big because this is my third pregnancy and the baby is lying differently making me carry it "bigger."
5. It's a BIG baby?
6. I can NOT feel two distinct division of bodies. 
I am nearing the end of my pregnancy. 
This whole experience has been a roller coaster.
journey towards motherhood again.
It absolutely AMAZES me
that I have been chosen to carry, nurture, teach & guide
a new life, again.
GOD has a plan for everyone & everything.
Only HE knows the rhyme & reason why things happen the way that they do;
even though we may not understand.
I am not going to disrupt GOD's plan.
If HE wanted the gender & number of babies to be known
HE would clearly let it be known.
Thus far in our pregnancy everything looks good.
(knock on wood)
Things are progressing well without any interventions.
(knock on wood)
At this time,
we have chosen to wait for our surprise to be revealed to us.
Happy Valentine's Day.
Sorry, no pics this week.  However, here is video from last nights baby search. 
In the video we have Mercy, my midwife on the far side listening for the heartbeat.  Closest to the camera is Pam, assistant midwife.  And in the corner is Kelly, midwife in training and whom can't stop dancing to the sounds of the heartbeat(s).  She can hardly contain her excitement.  LOL!  All three are very sweet, competent ladies, whom I trust completely.


Mom said...

Thanks for sharing this video, Michelle! It was neat hearing the baby's heartbeat so distinctly! Guess all will be revealed in March! Happy Valentine's Day! Love you!

Lori said...

I love that woman's heartbeat dance. Too funny. Now I have to be present at this baby's birth. You have to video it!

cherish said...

Love it! So excited for you!