Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Mosiac Butterfly

What a perfect addition to Melanie's room!
This was such a fun, easy craft that I found at Michael's!
We are really lucky to have such a great craft store so close. Soon we'll have a Jo-Ann's!


Mom said...

I can't believe you are so excited about JoAnns and Michael's Crafts! You were the most anti-craft person in your youth and young adulthood! LOL! I think the butterfly Melanie made is beautiful! Can't wait to see it on my next visit! 43

Mom said...

I remember buying Lori a butterfly item from Toys R Us when she was a young girl. You put these crystals in the butterfly form and then baked them in the oven. We hung it in her room and she had it hanging there for years. I always thought the butterfly decals you have on Melanie's wall were so pretty.