Friday, October 23, 2009

Just In Time For Halloween! BLAGH!

Look what has appeared in our home...just in time for Halloween! GROSS! Thank goodness Melanie was taking a nap at the time I plotted to catch and kill this heeby jeeby thing!


Anonymous said...

Oh my God, Michelle! Is that a tarantula? !!!!! Tim would have found me passed out on the pavement! Shudder, Shudder!!! MOM

Lori said...

This is so nasty. It made me do research to see what kind it is. The Daring Jumping Spider: Although scary looking, these spiders are non-poisonous and are not harmful to humans. Whew

candicebishop said...

Ugh, creepy!

Anonymous said...

Scary yes...but did you happen to put it in a glass jar with a lid so Kyle could take it to school for a science topic to find out what kind of tarantula it is? Not all are harmful, just real scary looking which usually keeps everyone away from them.We used to have them come thru this area as they migrated from one are to another, but with the building of all these houses and mini malls,their migatory path has been dirupted and they don't come thru like they used to.How sad...because they never hurt anyone...just looked scary. Take care,love you always, grandma linda xoxoxoxo