This BLOG is a window into our life for our family & friends that can't always be with us to see our ever changing world.
Thursday, June 26, 2008
Melanie's 9 Month Check
Weight- 17 lbs. 5oz.
Ht.- 27 1/2 inches long.
Head Circ.- 17 1/2 inces.
What a big girl!
She's a CRAZY lil thing. She's been crawling for nearly a month now, and she is a wondering tornado! She's into EVERYTHING, and is constantly pulling herself up. Just yesterday she is trying to stand without holding on to anything. In the video of her doing it please don't mind my shirtlessness! Melanie has 6 teeth. She's become really good at biting! Her food preferences haven't changed too much. She LOVES breast milk!
I've Been SAVED!
On Monday, the 16th of June I sat down with Preacher Jim, and my friend Rebekah to be ENLIGHTENED on Faith, Jesus, GOD, and what they all mean. That was quite an experience, let me tell you. I have never been one to deny GOD in my life, however, I haven't been one to say "I BELIEVE" either. I've prayed on occasion-in my selfish time of need, and verbally reprimanded HIM for letting BAD things happen to GOOD people. One thing I never understood was "How does one go to HEAVEN?" I don't think I ever really asked either. Maybe I even thought "Heaven, Hell, GOD, Prayers" were all hockus pokus. I'm sure there's quite a few people in this life that possibly feel the same way. Or feel angry towards "FAITH". Then there are some that just aren't sure what to believe. I used to fall into ALL of those categories-and then some. I didn't even know what it meant to go to church. After all, I was told to go there as a child just so that my parents would have a quiet Sunday morning without their 3 kids. I never understood the meaning. Why would I believe in something I was pushed to do anyway?
Not anymore. Over the last 8 and a half months, I have been asking my friend Rebekah all about her Faith, GOD, JESUS, the Bible, and other religions. She's a smart cookie. She actually had answers to all my questions-answers that made sense. Not the whole "miracle answers", but real "hard core" answers. And, since we all know she can't possibly know EVERYTHING, if she didn't know the answer she would find out, either from her book of answers (the BIBLE), or by asking her Preacher. Let me tell you, I have learned a lot. I've learned some differences between religions, Bibles, and churches. I learned all these things while walking and talking. It's amazing what 1-2 hours of walking 5 days a week can do to someone. Not only was I exercising my body, I was exercising my mind, and the Faith I never knew I had. All of that while making a friend.
I've been to church 3 times-twice to the same Baptist church, and once to a Church of Christ, all prior to my SAVED experience. I wanted to know what it meant to go to church, and what the difference is. My experience all 3 times was STRESSFUL! The first time I went to Rebekah's Baptist Church, a member made me cry for not wanting to place Melanie in the nursery-BEFORE she even made a peep of noise. The second time (at Rebekah's church) I chills, tears, and apprehension-GOD was calling my name that day. But, I was too afraid. My third attempt at Church of Christ was BOREDOM, and disbelief in what the church and their Faith actually meant. One of the leaders of that church actually e-mailed me SEVERAL times prior to my visit, encouraging me to take a look. However, after attending this past Sunday, I haven't heard a word from him. Not even a "Thank you for coming." Or, "Do you have any questions?" Or, "Please come again." I will obviously not go back to that one.
I like the Baptist church. I LOVE Preacher Jim. He's great with GOD'S word, he's easy to talk to, not judgemental, very encouraging,and most of all-I LOVE how he asked me "What are you afraid of, what have you got to lose by not believing?" The answer to that question is "NOTHING." So at that point I sat beside him, with a baby on my lap-with a poopy diaper at that, held his hand, held Rebekah's hand and at that moment Prayed to be forgiven of all my sins. Vowed to believe and follow Christ, and I asked to be SAVED. What an experience. It all happened so quickly, that I hope I didn't leave anything out!
Kyle too, has been SAVED. He believes, and has FAITH.
Besides the gift of GOD in our life, Rebekah gave Kyle & I BIBLES. How nice was that? Kyle has already started reading his. He finds it fascinating that GOD created water, land, whales, dirt..etc. How sweet is that? He has said Grace before eating, and has had a "Bible Study" with a neighbor boy. I'm so glad. I pray that he continues his interest and continues his Faith.
Why did I want to be SAVED? I like knowing that I have a rock to lean on in time of grief, tragedy, and in time of joy and excitement. I actually feel a relief that I have chosen to have Faith. I want to go to Heaven and enjoy my Eternal Life. I look forward to having my first Bible study and learning about the Man that I have since put my Faith in.
Do you KNOW where you are going when your life on Earth ends? Have you been SAVED? If not, what are you afraid of? And what will you have to lose?
Monday, June 23, 2008
Tuesday, June 10, 2008
My Walking Buddy, Friend & Neighbor
Thursday, June 5, 2008
Trip to Lake Claiborne in Louisiana
Our family took a trip to Lake Claiborne in Northern louisiana with my long lost brother and his family. I have not seen my brother for 2 years, and prior to that I think I was 15 years old. How time flies! I'm so thankful for the opportunity to get to know my brother and his family. He's a great Dad, & an awesome Uncle. He has a wife Kristy, 2 daughters Samantha 13, Joanna 10, and a son named Jakob 4.

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