So...I finally remembered to have Melanie take my picture for this pregnancy. This go around I don't really have any symptoms. In fact I forget most of the time that I'm even pregnant. Then I'll remember and I get really excited! :-) I call this baby "inconspicuous". I think it's extremely low key and Duane says it's flying under the radar. I
think I've felt the baby move while hanging out on the couch with Duane in the evening watching T.V. The movement didn't feel like any of my other babies. Kyle felt like flutters. Melanie felt like popcorn popping. Sean felt like bubbles. This lil nugget felt like nudges, like it was pushing on me. My next Dr.'s appointment is on September 25th. I'll have a sono and we won't be finding out the gender. He, he, he!!! Our Dr. sees us every 5 weeks instead of the traditional 4. So. my next pictures will be then. Here's a link to to read about the details of Week 16:
Check out my belly button. Ew! It's like a knob on a dresser. |
It just never recovered from Sean's pregnancy.
Neither did my tummy muscles actually.
Oh well. |
Yep, that's a Baby Bump! I'm glad everything is going well! Melanie did a good job with the picture taking.
Congratulations!!!! So happy for you guys expecting #4!! Yay!! :)
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