Sunday, April 27, 2014

Baby K'Tan Wrap: BEST Wrap for Babies With Special Needs!

I originally saw this wrap with a mom at the library when I was 5 months pregnant. I asked her about it and I soon forgot what she said and the name of her wrap. I did that a lot during my pregnancy. LOL! So when people asked me what "baby essentials" I wanted I told them for sure I want a Moby Wrap. But once I tried to use it a couple of times just practicing with a stuffed animal, I quickly realized this isn't what I wanted. And I remembered the conversation I had with that sweet mama in the library. She was using a Moby alternative, so that's what I googled. I found the Baby K'Tan! That's what the mama used. There's NO wrapping. Ahhh...what a relief, for me. But the best part is that as I started researching the wrap I realized how special it is. It came to be from a mama who's son has Downs Syndrome. She was looking for an easier and less harmful way (due to the hypotonia) to baby wear her special needs son. I couldn't believe it! It's almost like God was telling me all along, little pieces here and there, that I too would have an extra special baby which I definitely wanted to "wear". Check out the link and read their story. So sorry Moby-I got a K'Tan...and WE LOVE IT!


Lori said...

Beautiful babywearing!

Mom said...

Glad you found one that works for you and Sean, Daughter! Yay for baby wearing!

Anonymous said...

Love the wrap! Looks comfy and breathable for both you and Sean! And he gets to stay snug-as-a-bug and still stay close to momma! Beautiful! Take care, love you all, mom p. xoxoxoxooxox