Tuesday, June 4, 2013

Pickling Cucumbers & Pickling Garlic

Duane & Melanie helping to slice the cucumbers for pickling. Duane helping to fill the jars with cucumbers, jalapenos, dill & garlic. Duane helping to peel the garlic. Beautiful garlic fresh from McKinney's local Farmer's Market. Yummy garlic filled with Apple Cider vinegar for a tasty treat in about 2 months! This garlic is being pickled in the sun for 4 weeks. Then I will drain a small amount of the juice & add honey. Let it sit for another 4 weeks and then we'll get to ENJOY! I'm so excited-I can not wait.

1 comment:

Mom said...

These pickles sound delicious, Michelle! Hopefully, you will have some left for us to sample when we come for a visit!