Monday, September 28, 2015

Ice Cream Sundae Painting Party: Melanie's 8th. Birthday

We had a painting party for Melanie! She and her friends painted Ice Cream Sundaes, or as some people like to call them, Banana Splits. The kiddos had a really great time. They are terrific painters and really good at following the directions given to them.
I met this lady, Nancy Rhea when we first moved here. She hosted a Painting in the Park. It was a lot of fun. She's really good with teaching children to paint and she's a fellow homeschooling mom. Then I saw her again at Lori's house when she instructed us during a lady's 40th. birthday. Nancy is AWESOME. Since meeting Nancy, I've learned that she is also a fellow Dave Ramsey follower. I love helping and encouraging people who are trying to improve their lives by empowering themselves through Jesus Christ and trying to live a more purposeful life. She's an entrepreneur, a mom of four and a wife to a hard working husband-so I really wanted to hire her for Melanie's party to encourage her of meeting their DEBT-FREE financial goals! Plus, did I mention she is a really great painting instructor? Anyway, Melanie's birthday was a total blast. I never had so many children under my roof at once and it was F.U.N. The children had a great, fun, sugary time and they painted too. Melanie made out like a bandit thanks to her grandparents, friends and family. We are super thankful to be living in Providence and getting to know such awesome people!

1 comment:

Mom said...

What a terrific birthday party! I love the cupcake paintings. I'm sure I will see it hanging in Melanie's bedroom when we get there! Thank you for sharing Melanie's birthday with us, Michelle!