Tuesday, May 13, 2014

YIP! This Car Is Officially Ours

No more car payment, no more car payment, no more car payment!!! Today is the day $541.50 would normally be taken out to pay for this car. But not today, not next month, not ever.  This baby is officially ours! We paid off our car!  WE'RE DEBT FREE!!!! (except for our house!) Thanks to Dave Ramsey, The Total Money Makeover book and last years Financial Peace University we have changed the way we think and feel about money.   It's time to let the saving and giving begin. If you're struggling with money, don't know how to budget, or just simply want to get out of debt and don't know how to or where to start-look into Dave Ramsey. It's awesome. Life changinghttp://www.daveramsey.com/home/


Mom said...


Anonymous said...

WAAHOOOO!! Congrats to you!!! Absolutely fantastic!! Will pick up book and check it out!! You two really are an awesome couple! Love you always, mom p. xoxoxoxo

B said...