Tuesday, January 21, 2014

Pregnancy Week 30

So on Wednesday January 15th., I was 30 weeks. Upon measurement the assistant midwife measured me at 34 weeks, twice. She thought that was a little odd, not too odd of course. Apparently it's still within normal limits. But she had the head midwife measure me because she was more familiar with my bump. According to her measurement I was 34 and a half! LOL! Never in my life of being pregnant have I measured more or less than my gestational week. Then you have Kyle saying "See? See mom? I told you there was more than one!" Needless to say they palpated me extensively throughout their visit & listened intently for a second heartbeat. They still haven't found more than one baby. But Kyle still says "We'll just be surprised when you go into labor." Not having a sonogram is making life very exciting around here. We don't know what the sex is or if there is more than one. I've been told I'm looking big. I've been told I have a beach ball instead of a basketball now. And I'm not sure if the mirrors in the Target dressing room are supposed to make a person appear bigger, but when I went to try on a couple nursing bras & took off my shirt I was happily flabbergasted at the size of my bump! HOLY MOLY! Objects in mirror maybe larger than they appear. HA!!! I'm feeling really good most of the time. At the end of the day I am super tired. Some days my rib pain is better than others. And I'm not used to feeling cooped up. The weather is off & on good/blah. When it's good I'm out & out for a long time. I think that contributes to me getting worn out. And when it's blah I feel blah. But as long as this baby is moving and growing I'm a content mama. A very thankful mama. Pregnancy is exciting!

1 comment:

Cherish said...

Such a pretty momma! and that baby bump is beautiful! :D I am so glad yall made it on Saturday, though I know that drive was awful! hugs hugs