In the last week of March Melanie and I had this conversation...
I was laying with her in bed putting her to sleep for the night and we were just a snugglin' without nursing...
I said, "Melanie, if you don't want milkie-pies anymore why don't you just tell mama?" (she had been going to sleep without it because she was stuffed up from a cold)
Melanie "I feel like my body is telling me I'm too old for milkie pies."
Me (shock! saddness! elation!)
Me "Well, if you feel like your body is telling you you're too old than you should listen to your body. You're the one who knows your body best. You should trust yourself."
Melanie laying on her back, she puts her hands up like she's holding an open book and says, "The milkie-pies are closed for Kyle & Melanie (now she closes her hands) but they'll be open for your next baby."
WHAT??? I just layed there, nearly speechless and we cuddled-snuddled. As we snuggled extra close; happy, sad, proud, silent tears ran down my face and I wispered "I love you, Melanie."
I can't remember EXACTLY when she started calling breast feeding Milkie-Pies. Oh, how I wish I could remember! (I should have written it down!) But, I think it started just before she turned 2. It started with me changing her diapers as an infant & she would cry & sign "milk". I would say/sing "No cries, no cries-you'll have some milkie-pies!" I was just trying to soothe her by rhyming and singing. I had no idea we would create something so special and all our own. Then one day she signed "milk" and said "milkie-pies." I thought THAT was the neatest thing! I remember saying "what?" Then signing "milk" and saying "milkie pies?" And she said "yes." I grabbed her up, laughing and squishing her! "You want some milkie pies!?" I told Duane, I told pretty much everyone. And ever since then we have been calling mama's special milk, MILKIE-PIES.
I am so proud that I breastfed my daughter for 4 and a half years. It has nurished her, soothed her and protected her. My special milk has givien her such a grand foundation of health that is ummatchable. I am proud that I breast fed my daughter til SHE WAS READY to wean. I received looks, arguments, opinions, remarks and loads of discouragment from people. I also received support, encouragement and love from others. But no matter what people said I did what I FELT was right and waited til she weaned herself. I KNEW she would wean herself. Nobody breastfeeds til their early 20's. I'm glad I followed my insticnts to trust myself my body,my daughter & GOD. In turn, it looks as though I have taught my daughter to trust herself, her instinct and GOD also.
Thank you Milkie-Pies. You have left me with many fond memories. I have cherrished our time and you will most definitly be missed.
I'm so proud and thankful my body and mind were strong enough to do this. I'm so thankful.
There are many things in my life, if given the chance I would change. But extended breastfeeding Melanie is not one of them. It has definitly been one of the highlights of motherhood for me.
I origionally wrote this post on March 30th. because I wanted to make sure I remembered my conversation with Melanie exactly. But since I wrote it Melanie has had Milkie-Pies at least once a day. Which was a big cut back from what she would normally do. She even stopped "switching sides." Which left me a little lop sided occassionally. HA! But I think now Milkie-Pies are all finished. It's been a week since she asked for and had any.
I'm a little sad. Melanie is growing up. Kyle's growing up. I'll never breastfeed again. I'll never have another baby in my tummy.
But, I will definitly have wonderful, loving memories.
This post made me cry Michelle. Kyle and Michelle have been so fortunate to have you as their mother. No one could love them like you do. Besides the gift of love and good health, you have given your daughter something just as precious..the ability to listen to her body and her instincts and to believe in herself and her abilities. There is nothing better to prepare her to be a happy, productive adult. I love you............MOM
This is a beautiful post.
You and Melanie are rare jewels! To go against the societal "norm" and breastfeed like God designed you to do, that's awesome! When people ask you how long you breastfed Melanie, you should respond like most people do with the number of months... 55 months! haha =) Most people say "6 months, 9 months," etc but you can say "FIFTY FIVE MONTHS!!"
-Beka =)
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